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Is Cataract Surgery Covered In Health Insurance Policy?

A health insurance policy that can cover the expenses to treat a cataract is called cataract surgery insurance. The policy features and the extent of the sum insured will be based on your insurance provider.

What Is Cataract?

A cataract is the development of a dense cloudy area on the normal lens of your eye. It is common among older adults and can be caused due to various reasons such as exposure to ultraviolet radiation, smoking, the prevalence of diabetes, use of steroids, overproduction of oxidants, radiation therapy, etc.

Some of the most common symptoms include blurry vision, double vision, trouble viewing things at night, sensitivity to glare, etc. Also, if there are frequent changes in your prescription glass, you are highly likely to develop a cataract. There are different types of cataracts based on the cause and the area wherein it develops on the eye, such as Nuclear Cataracts, Posterior Capsular Cataracts, Radiation Cataracts, Congenital Cataracts, etc.

Why Is It Important To Purchase Cataract Surgery Insurance in India?

Purchasing cataract surgery insurance in India is important for the following reasons:

1. Surgery is the only cure- According to research by the National Institute of Health, surgery is the only cure available for treating a cataract condition in your eye. Unfortunately, there is no possible natural cure. Therefore, if you get affected due to a cataract, you need to get the surgery done at the earliest.

2. Indians contract the disease at an early age- The average age at which Indians contract a cataract is found to be 50 years of age. So, you must stay precautious to get treated if there is an emergency.

3. Untreated cataracts can lead to blindness- If you slightly delay your surgery procedure or take it lightly, based on the age and the aggravated eye condition, cataracts can lead to partial or complete blindness. Secure yourself and your family members by purchasing medical insurance at the right time and include sufficient cover to manage the expenses.

4. Surgery can restore the vision- Surgery is the only treatment and safest method to cure a cataract. And the best part about surgery for cataracts is that it can completely restore your vision without any side effects. If you can afford to pay for the surgery with the cataract surgery insurance coverage in India, then your vision is secured under any circumstances.

5. Surgery is a simple procedure- Surgery for cataracts is not a complicated process. The process takes a few hours and is not very painful. You might have to get admitted for just a day.


A cataract is a common problem in India. It is an eye condition that can affect your lens and lead to partial or complete blindness if left untreated. Surgery is the only possible cure and is a simple procedure. However, the costs to get your affected eye treated can range between ₹40,000 and ₹1,20,000.


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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