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Indians Over 50 Years Can Soon Self-Register For Covid Vaccine at CO-WIN 2.0

As per the Union Health Ministry, CO-WIN digital app’s version 2.0 is ready and will be launched soon. This application features self-registration for beneficiaries of covid-19 vaccine. The CO-Win 2.0 application has been specifically designed to allow people belonging to the age range of 50 years and above to register for the covid-19 vaccination. It must be noted that those above 50 years of age belong to the third population priority group after the healthcare workers as well as frontline workers.

The development comes after a high-level meeting was conducted in order to review the detailed progress of the covid-19 vaccination drive around the country and steps to speed up the vaccination process.

According to the officials involved in the meeting, the Indian government has plans of involving private sector healthcare facilities in the ongoing vaccination drive in the next phase of novel coronavirus vaccination.

At present, healthcare workers and frontline workers are being vaccinated against covid-19.  Harsh Vardhan, Union Health Minister informed that the government will be in a situation to conduct vaccination of those above 50 years of age in March in the next phase.

It must be noted that while 68.3% of all healthcare workers have been administered the first dose, the second dose has been administered to 37.6% of eligible healthcare workers. Talking about frontline workers, 28.2% have been administered the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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