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India’s Premas Biotech, Israel’s Oramed Jointly Develop Covid-19 Oral Vaccine

According to the latest reports, the collaboration of an Indian biotechnology company and a pharmaceutical company from Israel has developed an oral covid-19 vaccine. It must be noted that the developed covid-19 vaccine can be swallowed like a pill rather than being injected, regular in the case of coronavirus. As per a preliminary test in animals, the vaccine produced the expected antibodies that provide protection. However, the findings have still not been reported in a scientific publication and cannot be independently verified. 

As of now, the oral vaccine is far from being tested in human trials. According to the company promoters, the vaccine candidate could be ready for human trials in the coming time, based on the test results.

It must be noted that Gurugram-based biotechnology firm Premas Biotech and Oramed Pharmaceuticals, a company headquartered in Jerusalem have a long standing collaboration on the delivery of new drug delivery techniques.

Experts say that the challenge with developing an oral vaccine is that gastric juices would rapidly degrade any protective layers enclosing the antigen, thereby being of no use. However, Oravax, the joint venture between Premas & Oramed and the company developing the oral coronavirus vaccine claims to have resolved the problem. It must be noted that Oravax holds specialization in making oral drug delivery systems while Premas has a technology platform named D-Crypt, which is used to efficiently make a variety of “difficult to express” proteins in sizeable quantities. 

In a latest statement, Oraxav highlighted that the novel coronavirus vaccine is safe, efficacious and well-tolerated at normal to high doses. Moreover, the vaccine generates high titres of neutralising antibodies.

Currently, another oral insulin drug candidate by Oramed and Premas is currently in phase 3 human trials in the United States.

The update comes when India has only two vaccines publicly available for the coronavirus. Several other vaccine candidates with various approaches are in different stages of clinical trials.

You May Also Like To Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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