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India Records 26,000+ New Covid-19 Cases in the Past 24 Hours

On Monday morning, India recorded 26,291 new cases of Covid-19. According to the Union Health Ministry dta, it is the highest single-day spike in the past 85 days. At present, the total number of novel coronavirus cases in India is 1,13,85,339.

It must be noted that the total active caseload has increased to 2,19,262, which is 1.93% of the total infections in the country. Meanwhile, the recovery rate has dropped to 96.68% as per data. On December 20, about 26,624 Covid-19 infection cases were recorded in a span of 24 hours.

The update comes as Delhi records 409 new novel coronavirus cases, crossing the 400-mark for the fourth day in a row. According to the data shared by the health department, the positivity rate stands at 0.60%. The death rate has reached 10,941 with two more fatalities, as per the latest bulletin issued by the Delhi Health Department. In the national capital, 419 fresh COVID-19 cases were recorded on Saturday. The number of coronavirus cases recorded on Friday were 431, the highest single-day spike in over two months.

India is now the third-most Covid-19 affected country across the globe with 11.36 million cases, United States being at first and Brazil at second number. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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