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India Prepares for COVID-19 Vaccine Storage

The Union Health Ministry recently announced the government’s storage plans for Covid-19 vaccine. The Center’s plans for vaccination include 29,000 cold chain points, 70 walk-in freezers, 240 walk-in coolers, 41,000 deep freezers, 45,000 ice-lined refrigerators, and 300 solar refrigerators for storage purposes. 

Addressing a press conference in the national capital, Rajesh Bhushan, Union Health Secretary said, “Center has issued guidelines for electrical and non-electrical cold chain equipment estimation and strengthening to states.” He further highlighted that guidelines regarding the cold chain management at last cold chain points as well as session sites have been issued.

Giving an insight into the preparations, Rajesh Bhushan said, "Delivery of all the required equipment in states is complete. Supply of some other equipment going on”. It is to be noted that meetings of State Steering Committees & State Task Force were concluded by 36 states and Union territories. Similarly, meetings of the District Task Force with regards to Covid-19 vaccine storage were concluded by 633 districts. While ministries and departments of Centre and states have been assigned their roles, training modules for professionals have also been finalized. Physical and virtual/online training sessions have begun. 

As per the guidelines issued by the Center, vaccination of 100-200 people in each session per day is to be conducted. Once vaccination is over, monitoring of the recipients for 30 minutes for any adverse event is to be done. Moreover, only one beneficiary at a time is allowed. 

The government also wishes to make use of COVID Vaccine Intelligence Network (Co-WIN) system for tracking enlisted beneficiaries for the vaccination and anti-coronavirus vaccines on a real-time basis.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.​

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