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India Prepares for Covid-19 Vaccine Roll Out

A Covid-19 shot may still be awaited, but India has begun its preparations for vaccination. Recently, The Union Health Ministry has disclosed its plan for Covid-19 vaccine distribution and administration. Furthermore, Union Health Ministry shed light on the list of 8 Covid-19 candidates in India that comprises Covishield  by Serum Institute of India,  Covaxin by Bharat Biotech & ICMR, ZY-Cov-D by Cadila Healthcare, Russian vaccine Sputnik V, NVX-COV-2373 by Serum Institute of India & Novavax, Recombinant protein antigen-based vaccine by Biological E Ltd, HGCO 19 by Gennova, Pune with Thomas Jefferson University, USA, Inactivated rabies vector platform by Bharat Biotech and Thomas Jefferson University, USA, and Aurobindo Pharma’s vaccine.

The Health Ministry emphasized a mass roll out of Covid-19 vaccines in India based on priority. It is to be noted that the priority population will include healthcare workers, frontline workers, the age group above 50 years and less than 50 years with comorbidities. 

The preparations for the coronavirus vaccine rollout may take a year or more, but the process will be backed by technology. The government has also made it clear that it plans to make use of the experience of general and state election processes and the associated universal health immunisation programme. 

For database preparation, the digital platform of Co-WIN has been introduced where data collected from both, government as well as private healthcare facilities will be put. 

It is to be noted that states with the help of state steering communities will be leading the distribution of vaccines. In addition, states will also possess a state control room that will work 24/7 on the commencement of the vaccination process. While the district-level task force will be led by the district collector, urban task force will be led by the municipal commissioner. A district control room will also be set up.

The strengthening of the cold chain structure will also be performed by supply of additional equipment for vaccine storage from December 10. 

National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for COVID-19 (NEGVAC) estimates to deploy 1.54 lakh auxiliary nurse midwives as vaccinators for Covid-19 vaccination. A requirement for additional procurement of syringes and needles has also been noticed. 

Also Read: 

Things to do if Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Health Tips for Pregnant Women During Coronavirus Pandemic

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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