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Importance Of Purchasing Health Insurance Plan For Women

International Women's Day was recently commemorated with gusto. Women take pleasure in their positions and duties. They make an effort to make everyone else happy. They get so preoccupied with providing care of their family than they fail to notice that they are neglecting their own health. Women who are single, stay-at-home mothers, married women, and working women should all have proper insurance. It is an absolute necessity, as it helps to protect their wellbeing, save money, and establish a barrier of protection.
Women are growing more self-reliant, and women are now equal wage earners in their households. Women are also capable of making economic choices, such as those related to savings and investments. As a result, much has been made about the significance of insurance in the lives of women. Women, on the other hand, have a habit of ignoring their health insurance policies. As a consequence, they seem to be either underinsured or without insurance. To understand the importance of purchasing health insurance for women, read on.

Importance Of Purchasing Health Insurance Plan For Women

What Are The Pointers One Should Consider While Buying Women Health Insurance?

Following are the things that health plan covers for women -

  • Expenses for maternity leave.
  • Breast cancer, fallopian tube cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer are all cancers of the female reproductive system.
  • Coverage for personal accidents.
  • Support of livelihood benefit in the event of an insured woman's accidental death or permanent incapacity.
  • Charges for critical illness hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation.

Following are the listed factors that a person should consider while buying women health insurance -

1. Buy Personal Health Insurance - Women are growing more self-reliant, and women are now equal wage earners in their households. Women are also capable of making economic choices, such as those related to savings and investments. As a result, much has been made about the significance of insurance in the lives of women. Women, on the other hand, have a habit of ignoring their health insurance policies. As a consequence, they seem to be either underinsured or without insurance.

2. Economical Insurances Might Not Be Adequate - When you get health insurance, you have the option of choosing from a variety of basic health insurance policies that cover minor ailments. These plans may be low-cost, but the coverage they give is inadequate. By selecting enough coverage, you can avoid financial difficulties during medical crises.

3. Get Medical Insurance While One Is Young - Women, who are devoid of medical difficulties, must acquire medical insurance while they are young. The cost of health insurance for women is less expensive if they acquire it early. At the same time, health insurance provides comprehensive coverage. As you become older, your premium rate rises, and your coverage decreases.

4.Inflation - Medical costs may wipe out all of your money and put you in a financial bind if you don't have enough insurance coverage. Inflation in the medical field is out of control; a Mediclaim coverage can protect your finances.

5. Prepare For The Unexpected - Having a protective insurance shield in place safeguards you for unforeseen health issues that may worsen in the future. It might add to the strain on your shoulders.

6. Tax Rebates - Aside from providing insurance coverage, having a health insurance plan allows you to save money on your taxes under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act of 1961. Women under the age of 65 can get a tax exemption of Rs. 30,000. Women of all ages, therefore, require health insurance. Young girls, for example, can get health insurance through their parents, whereas married women can purchase independent coverage.


It is critical to comprehend the importance of health insurance, which may save women from a major financial catastrophe in the event of a medical emergency. The costs of hospitalisation and specialised medical treatments are so high nowadays that it is practically impossible to finance them without the help of insurance.

Also read- What Is Micro Health Insurance And Why Is It Important?

Family Floater Health Insurance Vs. Individual Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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