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How to Use the Aarogya Setu App: A Comprehensive Guide


Written by Anurag Kumar

Updated Mar 12, 2025

With over 100 million downloads, the Aarogya Setu App has become one of India’s most trusted tools in the fight against COVID-19. 

The app is a one-stop safety solution that provides real-time updates and resources ranging from analysing your health risks to providing important helpline numbers and enabling e-pass applications. Keep reading to learn about and gain in-depth knowledge of the several perks and safety benefits of the Aarogya Setu app. 

What is Aarogya Setu?

Aarogya Setu is a NIC eGov Mobile application launched amidst the COVID-19 breakout. It was meant to keep people informed and up-to-date with the healthcare trends and status during the pandemic. Having included an in-built tracking feature that shared information on the COVID-19-positive cases in one’s vicinity, it offered resources like self-assessment tools and precautionary steps to employ. 

Purpose and Importance of the App

The Aarogya Setu application integrally helped users stay tuned to the changing curves during the pandemic, assisted in connecting them with health services, provided push alerts about nearby risks, and much more. It played a key role in managing the pandemic and controlling its spread, both from the end of individuals and authorities alike.

Downloading and Installing the Aarogya Setu App

How to Use the Aarogya Setu App?

The application will give you zero fret as it is extremely easy to use for both Android and iOS devices alike. We have collated separate manuals for Android and iOS, which include steps to help you get started with the app-

For Android Users

If you have an Android phone, here’s how you can get the Aarogya Setu App:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your phone.
  2. In the search bar, type “Aarogya Setu App”.
  3. Once you see the application with the icon, as shown in the picture above, press the download button to install it on your phone.
  4. It may take a few minutes for the installation to complete, depending on your network; once it's done, your app will be downloaded to your device. 

For iOS Users

If you’re using an iPhone, follow these steps to install the app:

  1. Open the iOS App Store and type “Aarogya Setu App” in the search bar.
  2. When you spot the app with the same icon as in the picture above, proceed to click on the Download button and wait for the installation to complete.
  3. Once it’s installed, you can dive right in!

Setting Up the Aarogya Setu App

Getting started with the Aarogya Setu App is simple! Just follow these eight easy steps:

  1. Open the App: Install and open the Aarogya Setu App on your smartphone to get started.
  2. Language Selection: The app supports 11 languages, including Hindi, English, Marathi, Punjabi, and Gujarati. Choose the one you are most fluent in.
  3. Permissions and Access Requirements: Make sure to grant access to Bluetooth and your location for the app to function properly.
  4. User Registration Process: Scroll through the information slides, and at the bottom, you will spot a “Register Now” bar. Please click on it.
  5. Enter Your Contact Number: Fill in your contact details, and once you are done, press Submit. 
  6. Verify with OTP: After submission, you will receive an OTP on your mobile phone. You can either allow the app to fetch the OTP automatically or manually fill in the number.
  7. Fill in Your Details: The second last process involves filling in your personal details, such as your name, gender, occupation, and travel history for the past 30 days, if any. Once you have entered the details correctly, tap on Submit. Make sure to double-check the details before hitting the Submit button.
  8. Check Your Status: After filling in your details, the app will direct you to the home page, where you can fetch the risk level, and if it signals the colour green, it means you are safe.

Navigating the Aarogya Setu App Interface

The Aarogya Setu App is designed to make it convenient and easy for users to navigate its features and gather necessary information. Here’s a quick guide to understanding its main features.

Home Screen Overview

When you open the app, the home screen is your starting point. It displays your current health status and provides quick access to essential features. You’ll see options like self-assessment, COVID-19 updates, and nearby help centres. The layout is simple, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. 

Understanding Risk Status Indicators

The app has colour-coded indicators to show your level of COVID-19 risk, where different colours show the gravity of risk you are currently treading on:

  • Green: The display of the colour green indicates safety, which means you’re safe, as there are no known risks around you.
  • Orange: The orange colour indicates that you are moderately at risk, suggesting you might have been in proximity to someone infected.
  • Red: If it shows red, it indicates a high risk and cautions you to take precautions immediately.

These indicators are updated based on your location and interactions via Bluetooth, which is why you should keep an eye on them in order to stay informed and take action whenever needed.

Utilising Key Features of Aarogya Setu

There are various features in the app that help individuals stay vigilant and take necessary measures to keep themselves safe and sound, such as self-assessment tools, regular updates, helpline numbers, and more. You can find some of the key features below:

Self-Assessment Test

The self-assessment tool is like a quick health check-up kit with no fuss attached. It works by answering simple questions about your symptoms, travel history, and possible exposure to the virus and based on the responses you fill in, the app gives advice on whether you need to seek medical attention or stay cautious.

COVID-19 Updates and Statistics

Stay informed with real-time updates on COVID-19 cases in your area and across the country. The app provides accurate data and digits, including the number of active cases, recoveries, and vaccination updates. The app can come in substantially handy for reliable pandemic-related information.

E-Pass Integration

Need to travel during restrictions? The app offers an easy way to apply for an E-pass. This feature helps you request permissions for essential travel directly from the app, saving time and hassle.

Accessing Helpline Numbers

The app connects you to a list of verified helpline numbers for medical assistance, emergencies, or COVID-19-related queries. Help is just a tap away whenever you need it.

Sharing the App with Others

Encourage your family and friends to stay safe by sharing the app. There’s a dedicated option to share the Aarogya Setu App via WhatsApp, email, or other platforms.


From self-assessment tests and real-time updates to easy access to helpline numbers, the Aarogya Setu App offers everything you need to stay informed and protected. Its colour-coded risk indicators and E-pass integration make navigating the pandemic simpler. 

By using the app, you’re not just safeguarding yourself but also contributing to the health and safety of everyone around you.


Written by Anurag Kumar

Anurag Kumar is a dynamic strategic partnerships leader in the InsurTech domain, specializing in driving corporate business growth and institutional relations. As a pivotal force at InsurRead More


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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