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Tips to Stay Protected From Seasonal Diseases Amid Pandemic

During the spread of the global pandemic, a lot of other diseases like seasonal diseases, vector-borne diseases, etc. have adversely affected the health of many. It has become important for people to protect themselves against the spread of not only the COVID-19 virus but also the other seasonal diseases making their way amidst. For protection against seasonal diseases, you must take some precautionary measures and follow them with utmost sincerity. In case of experiencing any of the slightest symptoms, you must seek immediate medical attention as ignorance of seasonal diseases can have serious repercussions. 

Seasonal diseases are diseases that spread in a particular season and are not that prevalent otherwise. Like dengue and malaria are vector-borne seasonal diseases and are most common during the rainy season as the mosquito breeding increases. Therefore, with the onset of such seasons, it is better to take precautions and encourage your loved ones to stay alert. Due to the global pandemic, people have become vulnerable to several diseases that accompany the coronavirus. 

How To Stay Protected From Seasonal Diseases Amid Pandemic

Let us look at some of the possible ways in which you can protect yourself against the spread of seasonal diseases during the pandemic: 

1. Protection Against The Mosquitoes 

Mosquitoes usually breed during the rainy season in stagnant water. This leads to the spread of diseases like dengue, malaria, etc. which can lead to death of the individual in case of severity. Therefore, it is important to have a check on your tanks, water coolers, balconies, and other open spaces to avoid the collection of stagnant water. Wearing full-sleeve clothes, and using mosquito nets, repellents ointments, etc. can help you protect against the dreadful mosquito bite. If possible you can go with the fumigation of your house, as it will not only help you get rid of the mosquitoes but also eliminate other bugs. 

2. Maintain Personal Hygiene

Untidy and unclean surroundings can lead to the breeding of insects that cause seasonal diseases. It is important to maintain a tidy environment around you. You must also maintain personal hygiene by taking regular baths, washing sheets, cleaning the house, etc. You must wash your hands regularly and carry sanitizers. You must throw away the garbage to avoid bacteria and other parasites from breeding in your space. While coughing and sneezing you must cover your mouth. Considering the spread of the pandemic, you must also wear a mask when in public. 

3. Maintain Social Distancing

even after getting vaccinated, you must practice regulations like social distancing to avoid other diseases. It is better to avoid any unnecessary social contact and must stay indoors if possible. You must cover your face while coughing and sneezing. You must wear masks to avoid the spread of the virus and diseases among people. People with weak immunity are susceptible to the minute risks in the environment and therefore, it is better to take precautions. 

4. Eat Healthy 

As mentioned earlier, maintaining proper hygiene is essential. To avoid being affected by the spread of contagious diseases, you must avoid eating junk and unhealthy food from outside. You can get vegetables and fruits from the market, but you must wash them properly before consuming them. Drink clean water and eat only cooked meals. 

5. Respiratory System 

The most vulnerable system of our body during the spread of COVID-19 is the respiratory system. Lungs are the worst affected organ due to coronavirus. Therefore, to protect and preserve their immunity you must take some precautions like wearing masks, taking steams, practicing breathing exercises, performing yoga, etc. 


You can follow the above-mentioned points and try to avoid the spread of coronavirus and other seasonal diseases. You must continue to follow the government-mandated guidelines in order to reduce the risk of contracting a life-threatening disease. You must visit the doctor in case you observe any of the slightest symptoms. 

Also Read: Does Health Insurance Cover Preventive Health Check-Ups?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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