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How to Pay for National Health Insurance Premiums Online?

At the end of the policy term, policyholders must renew their health insurance plan in order to receive coverage and benefits from the policy. During the process of renewing your health insurance, you can make changes to it. If you couldn't renew the policy on time, the insurance company gives you a grace period of 30 days to do so. In this article, we talk in detail about how you can renew your health insurance policy with the National Insurance Company.

How to Pay for National Health Insurance Premiums Online?

Process For Renewing The National Health Insurance Policy Online

Here are the easy steps to renew your National Insurance health insurance plan online:

  • Visit the National Insurance website and click on the tab that says "Quick Renewal."
  • Enter the information, such as the policy number and the answer to the captcha question, and click "Renew Policy."
  • Before you move forward, you should look over the details of the policy and change them as needed. For example, you could change the amount of coverage or choose an add-on.
  • Pay the renewal fee online using one of the available payment gateways.
  • You will get an email to let you know that the policy was renewed successfully.

Advantages of Renewing Health Insurance with National Insurance

 Here are some of the benefits of renewing health insurance plans with National Insurance:

  • Option to check on the status of your insurance claim 24/7 There is a Live Chat Support feature.
  • Up to Rs. 50 lakh in options for the amount of insurance.
  • Treatment without cash at over 6,000 network hospitals
  • The claim settlement process is quick and easy.

Things to Think About When Paying Health Insurance Online

Here are some tips that will help you decide if you want to keep your health insurance or not:

  • Pre-Hospitalisation and Post-Hospitalisation Expenses: Pre-hospitalisation expenses are medical costs that the insured person has to pay for before being admitted to the hospital. Post-hospitalisation costs are medical costs that come up after a person leaves the hospital.
  • Co-Payment Clauses: When there is a co-payment clause, the insured person has to pay a certain percentage of the hospital bill.
  • Room Rent Waiver: The cost of care at a hospital depends directly on the type of room chosen. So, when a patient with health insurance chooses a room that costs more than his policy limit, the claim settlement changes the total bill.
  • Care for People at Home: Most retail health insurance plans cover treatment at home, but only if there are no hospital rooms available or the patient can't be taken to a hospital.


It is essential to keep in mind that submitting a request for the renewal of one's Medi-claim insurance policy does not automatically result in the renewal of the such policy. A policy may only be renewed if the policyholder and the insured both consent to the renewal of the policy. This guarantees that an insurance provider has the right to decline to renew a policy if they so want. In addition, the terms and conditions, as well as the premium, are entirely at the discretion of the insurance provider.

Also Read: Features of Family Floater Health Plans


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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