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How to Locate Nearest Vaccination Center for Covid-19 Using WhatsApp?

India is in the second phase of the coronavirus pandemic and is witnessing more cases daily than ever before since the virus entered the country. Amid the saddening situation, vaccination is the hope of survival. The government has asked the citizens to get vaccinated as soon as possible if they are eligible for the same. Until May 1, 9.2% of the Indians have got at least 1 dose, whereas 2% have been fully vaccinated. 

As the coronavirus continues to create havoc in the country, WhatsApp head Will Cathart recently showed support for India using his social media accounts. He announced that WhatsApp has come together to work with health workers to operate helplines in the form of chatbots. 

On WhatsApp, the users can take the help of the chatbot “MyGov Helpdesk” to find the nearest Covid-19 vaccination center. The chatbot was unveiled initially in 2021 and has now been updated. 

To search for vaccination centers with the help of MyGov Corona Helpdesk chatbot on WhatsApp, you are required to follow the steps given below: 

  1. Save the number +919013151515
  2. Send a message “Namaste (Hello)” and wait for sometime
  3. The user will receive an automated response within a few seconds
  4. The user will then be required to provide their PIN code
  5. Once the user enters the six-digit code, the chatbot will send a list of the nearest vaccination centers

Alternatively, you can also visit and you will be directed to a chatbot. 

Apart from locating the vaccination centers, the chatbot can also be used to know success stories related to Covid-19, get professional advice on how to improve immunity, tips on reducing risks, news fact-checker, and get covid-19 updates as well.  

The vaccination drive in India started in January 2021. Currently, the third phase of vaccination is going on in which people aged above 18 years can get vaccinated by registering themselves on CoWin portal or Arogya Setu app. 

Also Read Here:

Covid-19 Health Insurance

Tips For Taking Care of Covid-19 Patients At Home

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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