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Choose The Right Health Insurance Policy According to your Age

Health insurance plans must be bought on time by the policyholders to overcome the waiting period. The waiting period is the period during which the policyholders cannot avail of the benefits of their purchased health insurance plans. It is advised to buy health insurance plans at an early age as with the increase in age, the premium rate of the plan also increases. To choose a suitable health insurance plan for yourself according to your age, you must analyze your requirements and then consider certain factors. 

The features and benefits of a health insurance plan can differ according to the age of the policyholder, as the requirements change over time. People above the age of 50 years are more vulnerable to contracting a life-threatening disease and therefore, their health insurance plans come with a high amount of premium rate. You can buy a health insurance policy as soon as you start earning and then get the lifetime renewability services under your plan to overcome the maximum age restrictions over the renewal of the existing health insurance policy. 

How To Choose The Right Health Insurance Policy As Per Your Age

Let us look at some of the key factors that you must consider while buying a health insurance plan, to choose a suitable health insurance plan as per your age:   

1. Look For Sufficient Coverage 

The coverage of a health insurance plan is the most important factor as it determines the credibility of a health insurance plan at the time of a medical emergency. Young people do not need a wide coverage as they are healthy so they can invest in a regular health insurance plan, while people above the age of 45 years are more prone to critical diseases and therefore, they must look for plans with a wide coverage. 

2. Invest In Affordable Plans 

When investing in a health insurance plan, you need to consider your financial budget. To determine your future expenses after the purchase of a health insurance policy, you can use an online premium calculator. You can customize your health insurance plans to make sure that it is under your budget. 

3. Opt Covers With Lifetime Renewability Services  

Health insurance plans must be renewed after a certain period as it comes with an expiry date. To continue availing the accumulated benefits of your health insurance plan you must renew your health insurance plan on time without any hassles. You can buy plans with lifetime renewability services as it helps you avoid the maximum age restriction on the renewal of a health insurance plan. It saves you from the paperwork involved in buying a new health insurance policy. 

4. Consider Insurers With a Wide Hospital Network 

Policyholders can avail of cashless claim treatments at the network hospitals of the health insurance providers. To avail of this benefit the policyholders must seek hospitalization in one of the network hospitals of the insurer. Under this benefit, you can receive convenient treatment in a private hospital and seek fast claims without paying a penny from your pocket. 

5. High Claim Settlement Ratio 

The claim settlement ratio determines the claim-settling capabilities of the health insurance company. Therefore, when investing in a certain health insurance company you must make sure that it has a high claim settlement ratio as claiming a health insurance plan is the crucial step to avail the benefits of your plan. You can get the data on the health insurance claim settlement ratio of a desired health insurer from their official website. 


You can consider the above-mentioned factors when choosing a suitable health insurance plan according to your age. You must always read the policy terms carefully before investing in a certain health insurance plan to understand the inclusions and exclusions of the cover. The health insurance providers offer a 15-day free look period to the policyholders to go through the purchased health insurance plan. 

Also Read: How To Make A Cashless Health Insurance Claim?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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