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How Much Does Rs. 10 Lakh Health Insurance Cover Cost?

In today's world, the importance of a health insurance policy has increased with the increase in the vulnerabilities to contract a life-threatening disease. The recent spread of the coronavirus disease has made people realise the importance of having some financial backup in case of medical emergencies. The rise in inflation has led to the hike in the costs of medical treatments of the individuals thus leading them to the exhaustion of their monetary savings. To help the people overcome such conditions, the health insurance providers have rolled out varieties of health insurance plans in the insurance market for the convenience of the policyholders.

The health insurance plans are of different types and they also differ in their policy tenure, coverage features, benefits, sum assured, etc. Therefore, people can customise their health insurance plan according to their medical needs. To make sure that you choose a suitable health insurance policy, you must analyse your requirements and needs before buying a plan. The plan you desire to buy for yourself and your loved ones should be comprehensive and affordable. It should not exceed your financial budget and must act as a backup in case of medical emergencies.

How Much Does Rs. 10 Lakh Health Insurance Cover Cost?

How Much Does Rs. 10 Lakh Health Insurance Cover Cost?

A 10 Lakh health insurance cover can have different premium rates depending on the insurer and the coverage of the plan. To determine the premium amount of your health insurance plan, you must make use of the online premium calculators that are available online over the official website of your respective health insurance providers. You can customise your plans and then accordingly calculate your premium amounts. The cover of Rs. 10 Lakh can cost around Rs. 18,000 per year. However, this premium rate differs according to certain factors specified by the policyholders.

Must Read: 10 Benefits of Health Insurance Riders

About Online Premium Calculators

Premium payments are periodic payments that are made by the policyholders to continue availing the benefits of their purchased health insurance policy. The premium rate of a health insurance policy can be calculated online using an online premium calculator. You can enter your policy related details over the calculator and then calculate the premiums. This calculator helps you determine your future expenses so that you can stabilize your finances accordingly.

How To Calculate The Cost of A Rs. 10 Lakh Health Insurance Plan?

To calculate the premium rate of a Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance policy using a premium calculator, you can follow the given steps:

  • Go to the official website of your respective health insurer
  • Open the online premium calculator.
  • Enter the details like your name, age, type of plan, number of members insured, etc.
  • Enter the sum assured as Rs. 10 Lakh.
  • Click on calculate.
  • The cost of your desired health insurance plan will be displayed on your screen

You can make the necessary changes to the details entered in the fields in the calculator to make sure that the plan meets your requirements.

Factors Affecting The cost of Your Health Insurance Plan

Let us look at some of the factors that affect the cost of your Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance plan:

  • Age of the Insured: Age is a significant factor in health insurance premiums. Younger individuals generally pay lower premiums due to lower perceived health risks, while premiums tend to rise as individuals age and the likelihood of health issues increases.
  • Pre-existing Medical Conditions: Individuals with pre-existing conditions may face higher insurance costs. Insurers often charge more to cover the increased health risks associated with existing illnesses, and some may impose waiting periods before covering these conditions.
  • Location and Network of Healthcare Providers: Geographic location can impact health insurance costs. Additionally, the availability of in-network healthcare providers can affect out-of-pocket expenses, as accessing out-of-network providers often comes with higher costs.
  • Lifestyle Choices and Habits: Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or obesity can lead to higher insurance costs. Insurers may charge more to individuals engaging in riskier behaviours. Some insurance plans offer wellness programs or incentives for healthier lifestyles, which can help reduce costs.
  • Type of Plan (Individual, Family, Group): The type of health insurance plan you choose significantly affects costs. Individual plans are designed for a single person and tend to be more affordable. Family plans, which cover multiple family members, are typically costlier than individual plans. Group plans provided by employers often offer cost-sharing benefits and can vary in cost based on the size and contributions of the group.

Benefits of a Rs. 10 Lakh Health Insurance Cover

  • Comprehensive Coverage: A Rs. 10 lakh health insurance policy provides comprehensive coverage, surrounded by a wide range of medical expenses such as hospitalisation costs, doctor's fees, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and prescription medications. This comprehensive coverage ensures you access basic financial support for various healthcare needs.
  • Financial Security During Medical Emergencies: Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of a Rs. 10 lakh health insurance cover is the assurance of financial security during unexpected medical crises. In cases of accidents, sudden illnesses, or unforeseen health issues, this coverage serves as a vital safety net, relieving you from the burden of steep medical bills and preventing financial strain on you and your family. It allows you to seek timely medical treatment without worrying about the associated costs.
  • Coverage for Major Medical Procedures: Rs. 10 lakh coverage is particularly advantageous when it comes to major medical procedures and surgeries. Complex surgeries, organ transplants, cancer treatments, and other high-cost medical interfere can quickly drain savings. This coverage ensures that you can afford critical treatments without facing severe financial hardships. With this level of coverage, you can focus on your recovery and well-being, rather than being preoccupied with the financial implications of these procedures.


You can calculate the cost of your Rs. 10 Lakhs health insurance plan using the online premium calculator as there are no fixed rates. The costs differ from one insurer to the other. The costs are also affected by certain influencing factors.


Q. What is the cost of a Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance cover? 
A. In today's world, the cost of a Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance cover can vary based on several factors. Premium rates depend on the insurer, coverage features, and individual circumstances. Typically, such coverage can cost around Rs. 18,000 per year, but it's essential to use online premium calculators provided by insurance companies for accurate quotes.

Q. What is an online premium calculator, and how can it help determine the cost of my health insurance plan? 
A. An online premium calculator is a tool provided by insurance companies on their official websites. It allows you to enter your policy-related details, such as age, type of plan, and sum assured (Rs. 10 Lakh in this case). By using this calculator, you can determine the cost of your desired health insurance plan and make necessary adjustments to meet your requirements.

Q. What are the factors influencing the cost of a Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance plan? 
 A. The cost of health insurance is influenced by age, with premiums rising as individuals 
            get older. Gender can also be a factor, as women may pay more due to healthcare 
            utilisation. Additionally, pre-existing diseases can result in higher premiums.

Q. How can I calculate the cost of my Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance plan using an online premium calculator? 
A. To calculate the premium rate using an online premium calculator, follow these steps: 

  • Go to the official website of the health insurer.
  • Access the online premium calculator tool.
  • Enter your details like name, age, type of plan, number of insured members, and sum assured (Rs. 10 Lakh).
  • Click "calculate" to determine the cost of your health insurance plan.
  • Adjust the details to align the plan with your requirements.

Q. What are the benefits of having a Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance cover? 
A. A Rs. 10 Lakh health insurance cover offers comprehensive coverage for various medical expenses, ensuring financial security during medical emergencies. It provides coverage for major medical procedures, such as surgeries, organ transplants, and cancer treatments, preventing financial strain during critical health situations.

Q. Why is it essential to customise my health insurance plan to meet my needs?
A. Customising your health insurance plan is crucial to ensure it aligns with your specific medical requirements and budget. You can optimise coverage and benefits by tailoring the plan, making it a valuable financial safety net during unexpected health crises.

Also Read: Is A High Value Health Insurance Policy Really Needed?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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