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Healthcare Services Upgraded for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities in India

Drastic developments during the past few decades in the health sector have completely transformed it for better. The situation, especially in the Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities are changing to a great extent as more and more people are purchasing comprehensive health insurance policies to cover themselves against unforeseen health emergencies. People in these cities are becoming more aware when it comes to the need for quality healthcare.

‘Awareness’ is a major growth factor that has encouraged people towards getting their health insured. Another reason for the boom in the health insurance sector is a stressful and unhealthy lifestyle followed by most of the people these days. This has led to a significant increase in the lifestyle-related ailments including Diabetes and Hypertension, increasing the necessity of getting insured.  

Going by the results of a recent survey, around 65 million Indians suffer from Diabetes, which might increase up to 109 million by the end of 2035. Keeping aside Diabetes, India has an even greater number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Usually, people aged between 35 years to 65 years, which is also considered as the most productive workforce, are affected by such ailments. So, the statistics show the necessity of preventive measures that people should take in order to live a healthy life. You can protect yourself against such ailments by getting covered under a comprehensive health insurance plan.  

The rising demand for quality health care has given the necessary opportunity to several health insurers to invest in this sector that carries huge potential. People are getting more conscious about this issue which is making way for innovative products in the market thereby attracting new-aged customers as well. The insurers have increased the number of network hospitals in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities to provide quality healthcare services to the population. 

With an increasing number of people becoming health conscious in cities, more and more of them are getting themselves insured under comprehensive health insurance plans. According to the survey, Tier 2 cities are witnessing 20% increase in the growth in the number of people insured. 

Max Bupa’s Health Pulse plan is one such product that is designed especially to cater to the needs of people living in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. The plan is affordable and takes care of their health in difficult times. Max Bupa, through this plan, protects the health of the family members by offering several coverage features such as pre and post-hospitalisation expenses, organ transplant expenses, AYUSH treatments, health check-up benefits, etc. Other benefits offered under the plan are-re-fill, critical illness cover, No Claim Bonus, hospital cash benefit, e-consultation services and many others. 

Considering cheaper hospitalization and healthcare costs in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in India, the premium for health insurance policies offered there is also kept low.  

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