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Health Insurance to Shield Against Health Risks Caused Due to Air Pollution

The Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority or EPCA, which is a Supreme Court-mandated panel, announced a public health emergency in Delhi-NCR. The reason that led to this declaration was the extreme level of air pollution in Delhi and other areas nearby. 

There is no one reason owing to this disturbance in the environment. Be it stubble burning in the neighboring states, or bursting crackers on Diwali, all of them have contributed in prevailing hazardous air pollution. In fact, the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal described the city as a “gas chamber”. But it is not only Delhi-NCR that is suffering from such conditions, but many other north Indian states are also sailing in the same boat.  

People are aware of the hazards caused by air pollution and safeguarding themselves by using air purifiers at home and offices, car purifiers, wearing air pollution masks, etc. But what they might miss on is having an adequate health insurance plan that protects them at the time of unforeseen medical emergencies. 

The ED and CEO of Reliance Health Insurance, Ravi Vishwanath said, “ Poor air quality is a major issue India is facing at present. The global burden of disease report outdoor air pollution as the largest killer in the country after blood pressure, indoor air pollution, tobacco smoking, and poor nutrition. The most common diseases that Indians suffer from air pollution are asthma, lung cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pneumonia, birth and immune system defects, weakening of lung functioning and cardiovascular diseases”. Air pollution can be the reason for spreading several diseases including stroke, premature death, ischemic heart disease, lung cancer, acute lower respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma. 

Because air pollution can lead to severe health issues, it is important to have an insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones. A lot of health insurance companies have witnessed an increase in the number of claims for diseases related to air pollution such as pulmonary disorder, etc. So, having a comprehensive health insurance plan in case of an emergency might help one bear the hospital bills at least. For this, you can go for a comprehensive plan or that covers OPD expenses.    

So, now as you know how a comprehensive plan can help you, you must also keep in mind to evaluate the inclusions and exclusions thoroughly before paying for a health insurance plan, so that you land for the most suitable one. It is good to be double sure of the plan features like sum insured, co-payment clause, add-on benefits, etc. to avoid confusion later. Health is the actual wealth and you must have a good health insurance plan to take care of your health and avoid future health risks. 

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