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Health Insurance Premium Payment Modes

In today’s time, owing to the changing lifestyles and the reckless behaviour of individuals towards health, a health emergency can knock on your door at any point in time. Health emergencies come uninvited and burn a deep hole in your pocket so that all your savings can get exhausted. To avoid such a situation, it is a better idea to purchase a health insurance plan that guarantees financial protection and other kinds of assistance in case a health emergency takes place. In fact, health insurance is a very important product when it comes to securing your loved ones against uncertainties. Moreover, to keep your health insurance plan active, you need to pay its premiums on time. In the section below, let us walk you through the health insurance premium payment modes.

Health Insurance Premium Payment Modes

Premium Payment Modes of Health Insurance

Thanks to technological advancements you now get multiple ways to pay for your health insurance premiums. But, it is also important to note that not all of these payment modes are provided by different insurers. The premium payment modes in fact vary from one insurer to another. So, we have compiled a list of the popular premium payment modes of Health Insurance:

  • Debit Card: One of the easiest premium payment modes for health insurance is through debit cards. While paying through a debit card, you just need to enter the card number, CVV, and expiry date along with the OTP.
  • Internet Banking: You can also pay health insurance premiums through internet banking. Just enter the net banking details along with the PIN while paying for health insurance premiums.
  • Credit Card: Health insurance premiums can also be paid through the use of credit cards by entering the card details and OTP on the payment gateway.
  • UPI: Another way to pay for health insurance premiums is through UPI id. Do not miss to enter the PIN while paying through UPI.

The online mode is suggested to pay for health insurance premiums as it is more hassle-free. For the offline method, you can visit the health insurance branch of your insurer and pay for the health insurance premium. 

Tips to Keep in Mind While Paying for Health Insurance Premiums Online 

There are certain tips that you need to keep in mind while buying a health insurance plan:

  • Always make sure to buy a health insurance plan from a renowned insurer that has a license from IRDA. To check regarding the license, you can also refer to the bottom of your insurer page which will also mention the license number.
  • Do not share your bank details with any third person while paying for the health insurance premium. 
  • Make sure that you are using a secured internet connection while paying for health insurance premiums so that there is no disruption during the payment.
  • Ensure to read all about the health insurance policy in detail before making the premium payment. This will help you avoid discrepancies in the future.
  • Do not hide anything about your medical illness and pre-existing diseases, otherwise, that will also affect your health insurance premium.

Take Away

So, you can use any of the above-mentioned modes to pay health insurance premiums. Moreover, to know all about the different health insurance plans or more about the same, you can easily contact us at InsuranceDekho.

Also Read: 

Does Health Insurance Premium Increase Every Year in India

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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