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Health Insurance Plans Offering Free Health Check-Up Benefit

Worsening the health conditions of the global population is one of the most pressing issues at the moment. The overall lifestyle of most people leads them to neglect their health and discover conditions too late. Having health insurance that offers free health check-ups can help prompt policyholders to get their regular health check-ups.

Health Insurance Plans Offering Free Health Check-Up Benefit

Health Insurance Plans Offering Free Health Check-Up Benefit

The following are some health insurance plans that offer a free health check-up benefit.

1. Star Family Health Optima 

This health insurance plan offered by Star Health Insurance offers a family floater health insurance plan. Under this insurance plan, you can avail of free health check-ups if you make no claims against it in the particular financial year. The Star Family Health insurance covers anyone and everyone who is above the age of 18 and below the age of 65. Other than the free health checkup benefit, it also has other benefits such as newborn baby cover, cover for pre and post-hospitalization costs, ambulance facilities and much more. This is a hugely beneficial policy as it covers the entire family under a single insurance plan. 

Must Read: List of Diseases Covered In Health Insurance

2. Royal Sundaram Lifeline Supreme

Under this health insurance plan, you can insure your family, yourself or your children. Besides the various cover options, the benefits under this plan include wellness benefits, day-care procedure benefits, organ transplant benefits and more. Needless to say, it offers free health check-ups as well. This is one of the most comprehensive health insurance plans that are available with multiple options that help customize the plan as per one's need.

3. HDFC Ergo Optima Restore

Under this health insurance plan, you get a refund for your annual health check-ups if your sum assured is above a certain amount. The other advantages of this plan include a 100% restoration of the sum insured under the plan, whether it is used fully or partially. It also rewards policyholders for having a healthy and active lifestyle. Therefore, this plan not only protects you against any contingencies but motivates you to lead a healthier life. 

4. Religare Care Health Insurance Plan

The Religare Care Health Insurance Plan not only provides free health check-ups for the policyholder, but also for other family members who might be insured under the health insurance plan. There is an annual health check-up that is provided. It provides an individual as well as floater cover. There are several other benefits under this plan like all the other health insurance plans including daily allowance benefit, domiciliary hospitalization benefit and more. 

5. Aditya Birla Activ Assure Diamond

This plan offers a single free health check-up in one complete financial year. Other important benefits that are available under this plan include international as well as domestic emergency assistance, second e-opinion cover and more. Policyholders can also get up to 150% restoration of their sum insured if they make subsequent claims for unrelated illnesses. The cap for the insured sum restoration stands at Rs 50 Lakhs. 


There are many medical issues that if left undetected and unattended, can develop into severe problems that require immediate medical attention. Prevention is always better than cure, which is why it is important to go for a regular health check-up. In that way, even minor problems will be treated right away and bigger problems can be kept from developing, with enough time on your hands.

Also Read: Understanding Grace Period In Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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