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Health Insurance Plans for Senior Citizens in the Future by Generalli

Future Generali is one of the major general insurance firms in the country. The company has a diverse range of health insurance policies to provide financial security to customers against various medical threats.

Future Generali general Insurance Company is a joint venture between the Future Group of industries, an Indian Company and Generali group, an Italy based Company. Future Generali offers a wide spectrum of general insurance products like Motor Insurance, Health Insurance, Travel Insurance, Personal Accident & Home Insurance.

Health Insurance Plans for Senior Citizens in the Future by Generalli

Features & Benefits of Future Generali Health Insurance Policy

  • Cashless Treatment: Cashless treatment is a process where the patient does not have to pay for the hospitalization and treatment expenses. The cost of medical treatment is managed directly by the listed network hospital and Insurer/Third Party Administrator (TPA). The patient simply has to opt for a cashless settlement process.
  • Pre and Post Hospitalization Expenses: Available, depending on the variant of the health plan, the pre and post hospitalization expenses cover can vary from 60 days for pre hospitalization to 90|120|180 days for post hospitalization, respectively.
  • Ambulance Charges: For Future Generali Network Hospitals , the minimum is Rs. 1,500 and the maximum limit is based on the actual expenses. For non-network hospitals, the limit varies from Rs. 1,500|2,000|5000.
  • No Claim Bonus: Yes, 50% for every claim-free year to a maximum of 100%
  • Medical check-up: Pre-acceptance medical tests are not required for all proposers up to the age of 50 years. For age 51 years and above, medical tests are mandatory.
  • Flexibility: Depends on the type of health plan.
  • Coverage: In-patient Hospitalisation for Medical Treatment/Sickness (includes consultation, diagnostic tests and medications prescribed as per plan opted)
  • Premium Charges: Depends on the sum insured selected under the health plan.

Documents required to buy Future Generali Health Insurance Policy

The documents required to buy a Future Generali Health Insurance Policy are:

  • Proof of ID
  • Proof of Address
  • Proof of Income
  • Application/Proposal Form
  • Medical check-up/report, if required.


If you are looking for insurance solutions for your entire family, Future Generali Health has a holistic range of products that will suit your needs and financial requirements.

Also read- The Tata AIG MediCare Plus (Super Top Up) Plan: Everything You Need to Know!

Calculate your health insurance premiums with Dekho's premium calculator.


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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