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Health Insurance Plans For Critical Illness

A critical illness insurance policy is a type of insurance that assists you in paying for costs associated with serious illnesses and chronic conditions like cancer, stroke, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, live disorders, renal failure, and other conditions that can be life-threatening. It is essential that these costs are frequently covered because the pricey treatments needed to treat these serious illnesses can be financially burdensome. 

Health Insurance Plans For Critical Illness

Critical Health Insurance versus Health Insurance

Many people confuse a critical health insurance plan and a normal health insurance plan. Have a look at the below to be clear with the points of difference:


Plan for Critical Health Insurance

Plan for Health Insurance


It includes fatal illnesses like cancer, irreversible paralysis, etc.

It offers complete medical insurance protection, which covers hospital costs as well.


To receive benefits under the coverage, hospitalisation is not necessary. For a lump-sum payment, a diagnosis is sufficient.

By providing receipts, the insured can request compensation for hospitalisation costs incurred. He can also use the cashless system at hospitals in the network.


It provides protection against up to 36 serious illnesses.

It provides comprehensive protection, covering both pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation costs.

Waiting Period

Depending on the severity of the condition, there is a waiting period.

There is a 30-day waiting period.

Points To Consider Before Purchasing Critical Illness Insurance

Following are some of the pointers which you must keep in mind while buying a critical illness health insurance plan - 

  1. Present Day Situation

When considering acquiring a critical illness policy, you must be realistic. Family structure, your current age, and your dependents, especially ageing parents, are some of the elements to take into account. It is safe to presume that you require additional coverage for unanticipated medical crises like heart attacks if you have older citizens or family members as dependents. Therefore, choose a critical illness policy that will provide you with adequate financial assistance.

  1. State of Health

Your current health may play a significant role in whether or not you decide to purchase critical illness coverage. Future health issues are more likely to affect people who regularly smoke and have jobs with high levels of stress. Consequently, it is always wise to begin planning early to face less hurdles in the future.

  1. Economic Situation

Whether you now make a good living or not, you should consider the future while making plans to purchase a critical illness policy. It's important to keep in mind that healthcare inflation is unavoidable because costs are rising so quickly. So, when choosing the sum assured, keep all of these things in mind.

  1. Broad Coverage

You should carefully select critical illness insurance even though it might not be your primary health insurance plan. Therefore, before choosing a policy, examine the list of illnesses covered to determine whether the insurer will cover the majority of vital conditions. Additionally, carefully read the terms and conditions to understand the insurance exclusions.

  1. Supports Your Health Insurance Policy

Make sure your choice of critical illness insurance balances your health insurance plan so you may obtain the most coverage for the money. Together, the two policies ought to cover every facet of medical care, easing your stress over medical expenses.

Groups Of People Who Should Buy A Critical Insurance Policy

These individuals stand to gain the most from this insurance policy.

  • Having A Family History Of Serious Illness

Many serious illnesses are inherited, thus people in situations like this should look for a plan with this form of insurance.

  • The Bread Earner Of Family 

To lessen the financial effects of a critical illness, people who are the main breadwinners in their families should look for this insurance plan. 

  • People Ages 40 Years Or More

People over the age of 40 are more prone than others to contracting such diseases. To safeguard their financial interests, they can get a critical sickness insurance policy. 

  • Working In An Extremely Competitive Environment

According to studies, people who work in high-stress, fast-paced situations must choose these insurance plans.


Nowadays, it's crucial to have a critical illness rider. A few days of illness can result in high hospital expenditures. You can be sure that your loved ones won't struggle to pay for hospital bills, medical visits, and other expenses if you have a critical illness benefit. 

Also Read: 

List Of Widely Spread Critical Illnesses In India

What Is The Role Of TPA In Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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