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Health insurance covers variety of illnesses.

For policyholders, health insurance plans come with a slew of features and perks. Pre and post-hospitalization fees, prescription prices, ambulance charges, room leases, and other costs are all typical aspects. In the event of a medical emergency, these policies cover a list of ailments for which monetary compensation is granted. Policyholders can seek treatment for any of the ailments listed above while still receiving the benefits of their health insurance coverage. The plans have a waiting period during which the policy's benefits are unavailable, which is defined by the insurer based on the medical condition. The diseases covered by a health insurance plan might vary depending on the type of plan chosen, the policyholders' medical history, the plan's amount guaranteed, and so on. You may personalize your plans and add or remove the essential features or exclusions from your purchased coverage as needed.

Health insurance covers variety of illnesses.

List of Health Insurance-Covered Illnesses

Some of the most common disorders covered by health insurance policies include:


All health insurance companies must cover COVID-19 sickness now that the IRDAI has required it. Due to a lack of effective treatment and financial restraints, many individuals lost loved ones during the epidemic. To assist patients in such situations, health insurance carriers have introduced COVID-19-specific policies that cover not only the coronavirus-related hospitalization costs but also the pre-and post-hospitalization expenditures within a short waiting time.


Cancer is one of the most common and life-threatening diseases in today's society. Many people are affected by cancer as a result of fundamental changes in modern lifestyle or medical history. Many health insurance policies cover cancer at all stages of the disease and even include a second physician's opinion to help you get through the difficult diagnostic process. The claim amount for such diseases is provided to policyholders in a lump payment to assist them to compensate for the loss of income caused as a result of the disease's treatment.

High Blood Pressure (HBP) 

Many people are experiencing blood pressure problems as a result of increased working stress and other medical causes. Untreated high blood pressure over an extended period can cause a blockage in the blood arteries, resulting in a heart attack or stroke. As a result, it is critical to seek early medical assistance if you have high blood pressure, which can be done easily with the help of a health insurance plan. 


Diabetes is a condition in which a patient's blood sugar levels are abnormally high, and uncontrolled diabetes can lead to stroke, heart attack, renal failure, and other complications. With the aid of a health insurance plan and its extensive coverage, you may obtain appropriate medical treatments for diabetes without worrying about financial limits.


This is a fatal viral attack that damages a person's immune system. HIV therapy is time-consuming and can burn a hole in a middle-class person's wallet. Health insurance programs provide much-needed financial assistance to policyholders for sickness treatment with little difficulty.


A cataract is a visual problem in which a person's eyesight gets fuzzy. The price of cataract surgery can quickly deplete a person's savings. As a result, you may seek financial assistance from health insurance policies and enhance your eyesight quality without having to worry about money.

Take Away

Aside from the disorders described above, a health insurance plan covers a variety of additional illnesses. You can acquire a comprehensive list of covered conditions from your insurance terms, and you can add specific problems based on your medical needs.

Also Read: Must Have Add-on Covers For Health Insurance Policy


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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