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Health Insurance Covers A Variety Of Illnesses.

A health insurance policy reimburses the hospitalization costs. You need not collect all the hospitalization bills to get the amount reimbursed. With the finances at your disposal, you and your loved ones can focus on your treatment better without having to worry about your monthly expenses.

One of the best features of this cost-effective and convenient cover is that there is only a waiting of 30 days unlike 60-90 days for health insurance policies Moreover,according​​ to new laws, a critical illness plan is renewable for life, but once you make a claim and use the full sum assured, the policy stands terminated. 

Health Insurance Covers A Variety Of Illnesses.

List Of Diseases Covered Under A Health Insurance Policy

Most of the health insurance policies cover at least 10 life-threatening and lifestyle-disabling diseases. Here is the list of ailments that are covered under the policy.

1. Cancer
2. Major Organ Transplant
3. Multiple Sclerosis
4. Third Degree Burns
5. Aorta Graft Surgery
6. Heart Valve Replacement or repair
7. Coma of Specified Severity
8. Coma Quadriplegia
9. Total Blindness
10. End Stage Renal Disease requiring regular dialysis

Who Can Make The Most Of These Policies

The below mentioned categories of people stand to benefit most from health insurance​.


The only person earning in the family has a paramount importance. If something happens to him/her, the family has to go through a severe financial crisis that can turn out to be very unpleasant. Primary breadwinners are the perfect candidates who should consider buying a critical illness policy, especially if they have a history.

People above the age of 40 years

People who are above the age of 40 years are more exposed towards critical illness. Due to declining immunity and stressful work environment it is likely that older people fall prey to this untoward health condition. All the more, it is seen that one is in a better financial condition to buy such a policy.

People with a history of critical illness in their family

If critical illnesses run in your family, then you are susceptible to develop them with time. It is better to take precaution and buy a critical illness policy to avoid facing such an unlikely situation.


Now that you have read enough about critical illness, it's time to select the one that suits you the best.

Also read- Individual Health Insurance Plans from HDFC Ergo

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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