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HDFC Ergo General Insurance Introduces Home Care Benefit For Covid-19 Treatment

An increasing number of COVID-19 cases are being reported every day in India and the situation is getting worse with the shortage of beds in the hospitals. Despite various efforts by the Government, the problem of shortage of hospital beds is not getting resolved and thus there have been various incidents of private hospitals denying admission to COVID-19 patients.

Thus, in these turbulent times, HDFC Ergo General Insurance has introduced “Home Care Expenses Benefits” as a part of its ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ initiative to fight against the COVID-19 crisis.

The “Home Care Expenses Benefit” will cover the medical expenses for COVID-19 treatment taken at home between July 01, 2020 and September 30, 2020 at no extra cost. The hospitalisation or home treatment must start within this time period.
provided that:

  • A Medical practitioner advises the Insured person to undergo treatment at home.
  • There is a continuous active line of treatment with monitoring of the health status by a medical practitioner for each day through the duration of the home care treatment.
  • The Insured person can avail the services as prescribed by the medical practitioner on a cashless basis through designated network provider. However, in case the Insured person intends to avail the services of non-network provider claim shall be subject to reimbursement.

Coverage of HDFC Ergo Home Care Expenses Benefit

The medical expenses incurred for the following are covered under the HDFC Ergo Home Care Expenses Benefit:

  • ​Diagnostic tests undergone at home or at diagnostics centre
  • Medicines prescribed in writing
  • Consultation charges of the medical practitioner
  • Nursing charges related to medical staff
  • Medical procedures limited to parenteral administration of medicines
  • Cost of Oximeter, Oxygen cylinder and Nebulizer

Please note that this facility / additional benefit is not allowed for the standard product Arogya Sanjeevani Product of HDFC Ergo General Insurance as well as HDFC Ergo Health Insurance.

Features of HDFC Ergo Home Care Expenses Benefit

  • Any claim made and settled by HDFC Ergo during this duration for the treatment of COVID-19 will not reduce eligible Cumulative Bonus/Multiplier Benefit (if applicable).

  • Also, for such claims, in case HDFC Ergo activates the Restore Sum Insured (if applicable), this extra Sum Insured will be over and above the addition of Sum Insured under Restore Sum Insured Benefit as stated in the policy terms and conditions.

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