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CoWIN Portal Has New Four-Digit Security Code to Combat Vaccine Fraud

In a bid to foil the vaccine fraud cases the Indian government has introduced a security code option in the CoWIN app. The decision came from the government after many people raised an issue on social media that they received messages of getting their first vaccine dose without even getting jabbed. The government of India acknowledged the concern and made an announcement of adding a 4-digit security code to lessen fraud cases and to ensure that people who have done online registration should only get the vaccine.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has stated to the media that “We have observed that in some cases citizens who registered for COVID vaccination through the CoWIN application but not went for vaccination also have got the notifications they have got a vaccine dose. After investigation, we have found that it occurs mostly due to the wrong marking of citizens as vaccinated by the vaccinators, which is a data entry error from the end of the vaccinator.”

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The addition of a 4 digit security code system in the CoWIN portal will be initiated from May 8, 2021. Only those people who have booked a vaccination slot online will be able to avail this feature. Now with the launch of this code in the system, the vaccinators or verifiers will ask citizens just before giving the vaccine dose to show and enter the unique 4 digit code in the CoWIN application to record the status of vaccination. The security code will be sent through an SMS for successful vaccination registration. However, it will also be printed in the appointment slip which will be known only to the citizens and not by the vaccinators.

According to the Indian government, the 4-digit security code is meant to ensure the correct recording of the vaccination status of citizens in the data entries as well as ceasing the chances of impersonation and unfair use of flexibilities available in the CoWIN application to advance the vaccination program. Everyone should go to the vaccination centre with the security code either in physical or digital form to show to the vaccinator as the generation of a digital certificate will only be possible when the vaccination record is updated with the 4 digit security code.

Once the Covid-19 vaccination is successfully completed, a confirmation SMS will be received by people. It is sent as a confirmation of the successful completion of the vaccination process and the generation of the digital certificate. If anyone does not get this SMS, he or she can contact the vaccinator or vaccination centre in charge.

Read More: 

How to Get Vaccinated for Covid-19?

Things to Know About Life After Recovering From COVID-19

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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