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First Case of Yellow Fungus Detected in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad

According to the latest reports, the first case of a patient infected with yellow fungus has been reported in the Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. B.P Tyagi, an ENT specialist in Ghaziabad informed that the 45 year old patient has been infected with black and white fungus other than yellow fungus. The patient is currently undergoing treatment at a city hospital. 

According to Dr. Tyagi, the yellow fungus is a fatal disease that starts internally, thereby making it important to note its symptoms. The major symptoms of Mucor septicus or yellow fungus include lethargy, reduced or loss of appetite, and weight loss. With the progression of time, leakage of pus, slow healing of wounds, sunken eyes due to malnutrition, organ failure, and necrosis are some of the severe symptoms that start to show. 

Dr. Tyagi added that it is very difficult to manage the disease, which results in delay in receiving treatment in many cases. As of now, the only cure available for yellow fungus is Amphoteracin-B injection, he informed. 

As per the ENT specialist, cleanliness around the house is of massive importance. He urged people to keep the enclosure around their house as clean as possible and remove old food, fecal matter and other elements to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. Dr. Tyagi also emphasized that the humidity of the house should also be measured at all times. He stated that high humidity levels can promote the growth of bacteria and fungus. Moreover, that COVID-19 patients should adopt a medical practice soon so that further complications like yellow fungus can be avoided. 

Dr. Tyagi informed that the patient was undergoing treatment for COVID-19 for the past two months and was recovering. However, in the last four days, one side of the patient's face started to swell up and he was not able to open his eyes. Nose bleeding along with bleeding in urine had also started. When the patient was admitted to the hospital, a medical examination revealed that the patient had yellow fungus.

As of now, while 9,000 cases of black fungus have been reported, cases of white fungus are comparatively less. This is the first case of yellow fungus in India. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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