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Family Health Insurance Policies From SBI

Arogya Premier Policy by SBI Health Insurance is the utmost choice for individuals who want to protect the health of their family members without stretching their finances. This policy plan offers a wide range of medical coverage options and compensates for all healthcare expenses of a family. This SBI health policy is investment-worthy. Arogya Premier Policy is easily available on both individual and SBI family health insurance floater sum insured basis. In a nutshell, this SBI health insurance plan offers multifarious health benefits and caters to all the needs of a family.

Family Health Insurance Policies From SBI

Features of SBI Mediclaim Policy For Family

  • Policy period – 1 year, 2 years, or 3 years
  • A wide range of sum insured from Rs. 10 Lakh to Rs. 30 Lakh
  • Automatic reinstatement of sum insured equal to the base amount if your policy plan is exhausted
  • Alternative treatment methods such as Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy are covered
  • No claim bonuses of 10% every year (for each claim-free year) and can go to 50%
  • If there are no claims for 4 consecutive years, then reimbursement of health checkups up to Rs. 5000
  • No pre-policy checkup for people below 55 years without any medical history
  • Tax benefits under Sec 80D of the Income Tax Act

SBI Health Insurance Plans for Family Eligibility

  • Minimum entry age: 3 months
  • Maximum entry age: 65 years

Any person can purchase this policy for self and family members. Family members could be the spouse, dependent children (up to 23 years), parents, and parents-in-law.

Benefits Of SBI Health Insurance Plans for Family

  • This policy plan offers room rents, nursing charges, ICU charges, and other in-patient hospitalization expenses
  • This plan covers pre-and-post hospitalization (60 days and 90 days respectively) charges
  • 142 daycare procedures (hospitalization requires less than 24 hrs) are covered under this plan
  • This plan offers coverage for ambulance costs, including air ambulance charges (up to Rs. 100000)
  • This plan compensates for alternative treatment methods like Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Siddha, etc. in a government hospital
  • The plan also offers coverage for domiciliary expenses
  • The plan offers coverage for maternity medical expenses after the completion of 9 months waiting period
  • The also covers medical expenses related to an organ donor transplant
  • The plan covers health checkup expenses up to Rs. 5000
  • Once your sum insured amount gets exhausted, the plan will automatically recharge the sum insured up to 100% of the basic sum insured
  • A cumulative bonus of 10% will be offered on every renewal 


The plan doesn’t offer coverage for intentional self-injury or violation of any law
Genetic disorders and stem cell implantation, surgery, storage, etc. are not covered by the plan
War, acts of foreign enemy, invasion, hostilities, and others are also not covered
The plan will not compensate for venereal disease or any sexually transmitted disease/sickness
The plan will not reimburse the treatment for de-addiction from drug or alcohol or other substance


Now, you have adequate knowledge about this plan and its benefits, so, this is a great buy and can be purchased as per your requirements. The plan offers extensive coverage to a plethora of benefits, each feature of the plan meets all medical emergencies of an individual as well as family. 

Also read- TATA AIG's Arogya Sanjeevani Policy Benefits

Claim and Renewal Process for HDFC Ergo Health Insurance



This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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