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Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Children Health Insurance Plans

Health insurance plans are important for everyone regardless of one's age, medical condition, etc. In a family, along with the parents it is important to insure their children as the medical expenses in the private hospitals have increased rapidly due to the rise in inflation. The health insurance policies offer compensation for the medical expenses and it also ensures quality treatment of the insured in the network hospital of the health insurance provider. Apart from the hospitalization expenses, health insurance plans also compensate for ambulance charges, room rents, medication expenses, etc. and they also offer perks like complementary healthcare checkups, tax savings benefits, discounts, cashless claims, and a lot more.

Health insurance plans for children are crucial as children have a weak immunity and are in the process of developing one, which makes them more vulnerable to contract a life-threatening disease. Health insurance providers have rolled out numerous options in the insurance market for the health of the children, and therefore policyholders can either include their children in a family floater plan along with the parents or standalone children health insurance policies can be bought. While buying health insurance plans for children, it is important to note certain factors that can affect the quality of claim at the time of a medical emergency.

Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Children Health Insurance Plans

About Health Insurance Covers For Children

Buying a health insurance plan for children is essential as children are at a larger risk of contracting diseases due to their low immunities when compared to the adults. Family floater health insurance plans in the market can include the policyholder along with their spouse, children, and dependent parents. Therefore, policyholders can either invest in a comprehensive family floater plan to secure the health of their child or they can buy a standalone health insurance cover for their children, depending on their finances, analysis, etc. Let us look at some of the key features and benefits of having a health insurance policy for the children:

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  • Children in a family can be made a part of the existing family floater plan along with their parents.
  • The premium costs of such plans are affordable than other standard plans that are available in the insurance market.
  • There are no imposed limitations on health insurance policies for children. You can get extensive and customized health insurance plans to safeguard the health of your children.
  • Perks like expert’s consultation, information on nutrition and diet of the child, etc. can be added by the policyholders under their existing health insurance plans.
  • No Claim Bonus is offered by some health insurance providers for the children. Under this benefit, you can get an extra sum assured, or some other perks for each claim-free year within the policy tenure.

Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Children Health Insurance Plans

Following are some of the essential points which must be kept in mind while buying a health insurance plan for the children:

  • You must carefully observe that certain basic features like OPD treatment, pre and post-hospitalization expenses, no limit on room rent, no payment clause, and in-patient hospitalization are included in your health insurance plan for children.
  • Look for an insurer with a wide network of linked hospitals to easily avail the cashless claim facilities in case of a medical emergency. Cashless claiming of the policy will reduce your involvement in the whole process thus, making it a quick and hassle-free experience for you. In such claims, the payment is made by the insurer directly to the hospital without involving the policyholder.
  • Choose a plan that covers certain critical illnesses to make sure that your requirements are met and necessary additional perks are added.
  • The claim amount under the plan should not be less or more than required. Therefore, choose a plan which suits your needs according to your financial budget.


You must consider the above mentioned key points when choosing a suitable health insurance plan for your children. You must carefully go through the policy papers to avoid any inconveniences at the time of the claim settlement process.

Also Read: Importance of Health Insurance for Children

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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