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Exercise During Pregnancy May Save Kids From Health Problems As Adults

A new study suggests that exercise during pregnancy can help women significantly reduce their kids’ chances of developing diabetes and other metabolic diseases later in life. It must be noted that the study was conducted with lab mice. Researchers suggest that if the findings hold true in humans as well, it will give huge implications for helping pregnant women make sure their children have a healthy life as an adult. 

As per a researcher, Zhen Yan, PhD, a renowned exercise expert at University of Virginia School of Medicine, most of the chronic diseases that are a major cause of concern in today’s time have a fetal origin. The poor health condition of the parents, before and during pregnancy can have negative effects on the child. 

Must Read: Health Tips for Pregnant Women During Coronavirus Pandemic

It must be noted that scientists have known for a long time that exercise during pregnancy helps in having a healthy baby as well as prevent the risk of complication & premature delivery. However, researchers wanted to see if the benefits of exercise during pregnancy continued throughout the lives of the kids. The findings of the research suggest that exercise during pregnancy does help in preventing kids from different diseases in their future. 

Researchers suggest pregnant women exercise on a regular basis as it can help in maintaining health of the baby in the long run apart from helping during pregnancy and labor. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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