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Embracing Pet Insurance - A Healthy Gift for Pets!

Pets are the family you choose. But taking care of them, like everything else, comes at a cost. You can minimise this cost by getting them covered under the best insurance plan.  

Healthcare can be a costly affair when it comes to pets. For example, if you own a dog, its routine check-ups and other related healthcare expenses are estimated to fall around Rs. 6,000-Rs. 10,000 in the first year, then around Rs. 5,000-Rs. 7,000 annually. 

So that you are able to take better care of your pet, Digit Insurance has introduced a pet insurance product. For now, the plan only covers dogs, protecting them against accidental injury, a major illness, and third party covers. 

Pet insurance in India, mostly animal or bird insurance, is offered by the public sector insurers. These include cover for several pets, viz. pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, horse, etc. The dog insurance generally offer cover for all types of dogs aged between 8 weeks to 8 years, for death occurred due to accident, poisoning, illness, permanent disability, or property damage. The plans may also offer cover for lost or stolen dogs and breeding risk. 

To purchase an insurance plan for your dear pets, all you need to do is fill a proposal form and get a veterinary health certificate mentioning a unique identification. In such policies, the replacement cost of the dog is specified as the sum insured and the premium is set at approximately 5% of the sum insured.  

With the growing demand for such insurances, in future the insurance companies are looking to offer pet insurance with the facility of finding the right treatment doctor and institution as well. Even the plans would be able to cover the routine and serious illnesses too. These expectations are expected to get fulfilled in the coming years.   

Pets gradually become an important part of your family once they start living with you. And taking care of them becomes your responsibility which entails a lot of costs. So, while looking for an insurance plan for your dear ones, always remember to compare plans, look for even the minutest detail and learn about the inclusions and exclusions offered under the shortlisted plan. Also, be informed about the claim process to avoid confusion in case of an emergency. 

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