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Effectiveness Of Different Masks During COVID-19

Masks are our most important defence against the coronavirus. They effectively stop the virus from spreading as well as keep the wearer protected. It has been repeatedly advised that every individual must wear a mask, even after they have completed their vaccination cycle.

There are various types of masks that are available which can create confusion as to which one is the right one. While some of them can be easily made at home, some others can be costlier. Know more about them to make the right choice.

Effectiveness Of Different Masks During COVID-19

Here are the different types of mask that can protect you against COVID-19 and their effectiveness:

  1. Cloth Masks

    Homemade cloth masks have been popular for their ready availability and the various designs they are available in. However, if they are single-layered, they hardly provide 1% of protection against particles. Double and triple-layered masks provide comparatively more protection. If the cloth used is a dense material, they provide more protection. Overall, the effectiveness of a homemade cloth mask largely depends on the material of the mask and its layering.
  2. Disposable Surgical Masks

    These masks usually come in colours of blue and white and are widely used. They are very thin but can effectively stop smaller particles from escaping from the wearer themselves. They can also defend one against droplets and sprays. However, these are disposable masks and ideally should be discarded after their first use. These days, it is advisable to double mask, with a surgical mask and a cloth mask on top of it.
  3. N95/KN95 Masks

    These are a type of respirator masks that have been widely in use since the beginning of the pandemic. These are highly effective against the coronavirus as they filter out almost 95% of the particles from the air breathed in by the wearer. It is mainly advisable for frontline workers and those with comorbidities, to wear this mask. These masks can also be expensive compared to other types.
  4. T-shirts Material Masks

    T-shirt material masks are easy to make and cheap but they are not very effective. They have about a 40% blocking power against external particles in their single layer. The more layers, the more they can prevent particles. If the material is more synthetic or denser, it can be more effective. However, during this second wave of COVID-19, it is advisable to wear at least another mask on top of this type of mask.
  5. Cone-Style Masks

    Another popular type of mask that is widely being used is the conical masks. As in their name, they are shaped like a cone and have a tight fit around the mouth and nose. Although they are maybe more effective than single-layered cloth masks or bandana-style wrappings, they are less effective than other types of affordable masks like disposable surgical masks.

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Take Away

There are many types of affordable masks that are available in the market. If you are someone who does not need to go out frequently, you might not invest in a high-level mask. However, basic protection is required for everybody. It is important to stay masked, not only to protect yourself but also those around you. Masks combat one of the biggest problems of the coronavirus, its high transmissibility.

You May Also Check: Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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