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#DriveLikeALady - Kotak Mahindra’s Social Campaign to Celebrate Women who Drive

During International Women’s Week, Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company Limited launched #DriveLikeALady, a social campaign to celebrate the female drivers. The company observed a difference between the driving habits of its male and female policyholders, it started the campaign. Moreover, it found that female drivers drive quite safely in comparison to their male counterparts and have lower claim experience. 

Addressing on the occasion, Mahesh Balasubramanian, MD & CEO, Kotak General Insurance, said, “Women tend to be more caring, patient, poised and calmer than men. This also reflects in their driving behavior. Therefore, if men were to imbibe this positive attitude, our roads will be a lot safer. This thought formed the genesis of Kotak General Insurance’s #DriveLikeALady campaign. In addition to this, our claims data clearly identifies women drivers as being safer and more mindful of the road and safety rules. It is visibly reflected in the marked difference in claims filed by male and female policyholders. #DriveLikeALady campaign is our tribute to contemporary Indian women who are driving a discernible change in road safety while fighting deep rooted societal biases.”

Kotak General Insurance’s campaign #DriveLikeALady was conceptualized and executed by Fulcro, a leading digital agency based out of Mumbai. 

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