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Check if Your Health Insurance Policy Cover Paralysis or Not?

Health insurance is a form of insurance that covers medical and health-related expenditures. Routine care, emergency care, and chronic illness treatment are all covered by health insurance to some extent. Health insurance is frequently given by businesses as part of a benefits package in various sectors, while Medicare and Medicaid provide coverage to the elderly and low-income residents.

Customers pay a monthly fee for health insurance, and in exchange, the firm promises to cover all or most of the person's medical expenses. Even with the most generous plans, insured persons must pay a variety of out-of-pocket medical charges. Copays and deductibles, which are up-front charges paid by the insured to medical providers before receiving treatment, are the most common examples of these expenditures. To know more about the coverage of paralysis under a health insurance policy, read on.

Check if Your Health Insurance Policy Cover Paralysis or Not?

What Is Paralysis?

Paralysis is described as a temporary or permanent loss of muscular function in a region of your body, which can be partial or full. Paralysis can occur as a result of an accident or a catastrophic illness. Permanent paralysis can also be caused by strokes and spinal illnesses such as multiple sclerosis. Paralysis can strike at any point in one's life. Permanent paralysis of any area of the body can cause a lot of discomfort and misery. It will also financially and emotionally deplete your family.

The condition of paralysis is classified as a serious sickness. Your basic health insurance plan does not cover it. You must get a critical illness plan that covers medical expenditures for paralysis-related illnesses. You may also add a critical illness plan to your comprehensive health insurance plan as a rider.

Factors That Can Cause Paralysis in a Person

The movement of muscles is understood to be controlled by signals sent from the brain. When any element of the passage system, such as the brain, nerves, muscles, and so on, is damaged, paralysis develops as a result of the signal not making it from the nerve to the muscles. Damage to the passage system can occur in a variety of ways.

A person can be born with paralysis as a result of a birth abnormality called Spina Bifida. This problem occurs when the covering that protects the spinal cord does not form properly, and the brain does not form right away. The majority of people, however, become paralysed as a result of an accident or a medical disease that affects nerve and muscle function. 

The frequent causes of paralysis are -  Head Injury, Spinal Trauma, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Deformity, Transverse Myelitis, Spinal Cord Tumour, Substance Abuse, Cerebral Palsy, Peripheral neuropathy, Myopathy, etc.

Treatment Of Paralysis

There is currently no treatment for paralysis. However, in certain circumstances, a large number of muscles, or virtually all of them, regain feelings on their own or after therapy for a specific form of paralysis. In Bell's Palsy, a kind of facial paralysis, for example, quick recovery occurs. In some cases, such as in multiple sclerosis, therapy is critical to avoid further deterioration of paralysis.

A rehabilitation approach is often recommended to solve a condition that occurs as a result of paralysis, so that a paralysed person may live an independent and higher standard of living as much as feasible.

Following are some common treatment methods that are used for the treatment of paralysis -

1. PHYSIOTHERAPY - This includes massage and exercises to help the muscles and nerves recover.

2. MEDICATION - Depending on the kind of paralysis, brain and spinal cord surgery can aid in the treatment of the medical condition by reducing the amount of swelling. Because these treatments can effectively aid in the prevention of an outbreak of bacterial infection or virus, the patient is expected to finish the whole prescription course without interruption.

3. MOVEABILITY - Manual wheelchairs can be used to commute small distances when the legs are partially paralysed and the upper body is strong. An electric wheelchair can be used by those who do not have a strong upper body.

Paralysis Treatment Expenses In India

A paralysis sufferer should seek medical help as soon as possible to receive the correct diagnosis and treatment. When it comes to treatment, the costs will vary depending on the severity of your medical issue and the paralysed area. The cost of paralysis therapy might range from Rs 7,000 to Rs 1 lakh on average. Keep in mind that the total cost of your therapy will be determined by several factors, including your health, the severity of your paralysis, and so on.


First and foremost, get medical help as soon as you discover symptoms. Second, make sure you have your paralysis treatment planned out far ahead of time in case you need it. Since paralysis may strike anybody at any moment, most health insurance companies include paralysis coverage as part of their critical illness insurance policy. So, the next time you're looking for a health insurance plan, be sure to ask for the greatest rate on a critical illness health coverage plan that includes paralysis treatment as well.

Also read - Importance Of Child Health Insurance Plans

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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