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Does E-Cigarettes Increase The Risk Of Stroke In Young People?

Electronic cigarette users have an increased risk of stroke at a younger age than regular tobacco cigarette smokers. Strokes were more common among traditional cigarette smokers, according to the researchers, with 6% of them suffering strokes compared to 1% of e-cigarette users and 3% of persons who used both. However, e-cigarette users had a 15% greater risk of stroke at a younger age, according to the study. This was despite the fact that tobacco cigarette smokers had a greater risk of stroke.

People who used e-cigarettes had their first stroke at a median age of 48, compared to 59 for those who smoked cigarettes and 50 for those who used both. The general public should be aware that e-cigarettes have not been proven to be safe and should not be viewed as an alternative to conventional smoking, particularly among those who have pre-existing risk factors such as a history of heart attack, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. To know more about the risk of smoking e-cigarettes among young people, read on.

Does E-Cigarettes Increase The Risk Of Stroke In Young People?

What Are E-Cigarettes?

E-cigarettes, often known as electronic cigarettes, are devices that emit a mist that is breathed instead of smoke. It produces a vapourized solution that simulates the experience of smoking a traditional cigarette and is also known as vaping. The solution frequently smells fruity and must be refreshed on a regular basis. An e-cigarette resembles a traditional cigarette, pen, USB drive, pipe, or cigar. E-cigarettes are considered a replacement for regular cigarettes since they do not generate actual smoke. It is recommended by smokers who wish to reduce back or quit entirely. It is also incredibly common among underage adolescents and young adults to smoke. However, several studies have connected vaping to a variety of health problems, including stroke.

How Does E-Cigarettes Increase The Risk Of Stroke?

Yes. According to new studies, electronic cigarettes raise the risk of stroke at a younger age by 15% when compared to regular cigarettes. For the uninitiated, stroke is a potentially fatal disorder in which the brain's blood supply is cut off or burst. E-cigarettes are especially dangerous for persons who have a history of hypertension, heart disease, or high cholesterol. The main reason for the risk associated with electronic cigarettes is that they are mostly made up of nicotine, along with various flavours and additives.

Although the quantity of nicotine in e-cigarettes varies by manufacturer, a single refill of the vapourizing fluid can contain nearly the same amount of nicotine as 20 regular cigarettes. As a result, it is more harmful than smoking a standard cigarette. Furthermore, the numerous chemicals included in e-cigarette vapourizing solutions might harm the lining of blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis. It can also induce blood vessel damage, weakening their strength and making them prone to clot formation. As a result, e-cigarettes expose users to the risk of both hemorrhagic and ischaemic stroke.

Treatment Expenses Of Stroke In India

The cost of stroke therapy in India may vary depending on the severity and kind of the condition. In the case of an ischaemic stroke, therapy consists of dissolving the clot in the blood arteries and restoring normal blood flow to the brain. It is possible with the aid of clot-dissolving medications and blood thinners. As a result, the yearly treatment cost of an ischaemic stroke might reach a few thousand rupees, which includes the cost of drugs, medical consultations, and monthly check-ups. Treatment for hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, may include medicines, stents and balloons, aspiration devices and mechanical retrievers, and cerebral vascular operations such as endovascular therapy.

Surgery may be necessary in extreme situations to remove the bleeding in the brain and mend the damaged blood vessels. In fact, the expense of stroke therapy can deplete some people's lifetime savings. People who have health insurance, on the other hand, do not have to worry about the price of stroke therapy.


Smoking gradually reduces the overall number of years you live. Although e-cigarettes were once thought to be a terrific way to quit smoking, the quantity of nicotine in them is increasing the risk of stroke at a younger age. As a result, consumers should avoid e-cigarettes just as much as they avoid regular cigarettes. Furthermore, because stroke is a costly condition to treat, it is best to go for critical illness insurance as a precaution.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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