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Do's and Don'ts In Buying Health Insurance Plans

All facets of contemporary life have been impacted by rising inflation, and healthcare is not an exception. These days, healthcare bills resulting from a sickness or injury might seriously deplete one's funds. This is why having health insurance has moved from being a choice to being a need.

And thus, we must know what we should look for and what we should avoid while purchasing a health insurance plan. Thus, we have curated a list of do’s and don’ts in this article which will aid you in choosing the right health insurance plan for you. 

Do’s In Buying Health Insurance Plan

Following are some do’s in buying health insurance plans -

  1. Assessing Requirements -

    People frequently get health insurance without fully understanding what they may or may not need. If you purchase a policy without first determining your needs, you risk being either under- or over-insured. Both scenarios will leave you in a financial hole. Therefore, get a medical insurance plan that meets your needs. For instance, purchase individual health insurance if you are single and don't have any dependents, a senior citizen program for your parents who are retired or a family floater program when you're married and have kids.
  2. Online Marketplace -

    When purchasing practically any sort of insurance coverage, people frequently phone their insurance agent; they hardly ever make the effort to get health insurance online. However, keep in mind that changes are taking place and that insurers are choosing a customer-centric strategy. You no longer need to use an insurance agent to purchase health insurance because the procedure has gotten so simple.
  3. Comparison -

    One of the finest aspects of purchasing health insurance online is certainly the ability to compare several health insurance policies side by side. This doesn't need to be done manually. Just go to the website of just about any health insurance provider or aggregator to evaluate health insurance policies, and use the tool provided to do so.
  4. Legal Print -

    The most crucial step in purchasing any sort of insurance is reading the policy paperwork. It is true that policy paperwork is chock full of terms and conditions penned in legal language, but you still need to be conscious of the coverage, exclusions, and restrictions included in it. And if you don't understand any section of the wording, just contact your insurance; the customer service representatives would be pleased to assist you.

Don’ts In Buying Health Insurance Plan

Following are some don’ts in buying health insurance plans -

  1. Don’t Hide Health Status -

    If you get health insurance, your insurer will offer financial protection in the event of a medical emergency. Your claim will be denied if you file a claim while concealing your health state for an issue that isn't insured by the policy. Never conceal your health status or provide incorrect information when purchasing coverage.
  2. Avoid Buying Extra Cover -

    If a medical emergency arises, your health insurance policy should provide comprehensive coverage. You must make sure that you buy enough cover if you want to do this. Consider adding more insurance if you believe your current policy is insufficient. If your employer's medical policy, for instance, is insufficient, you should choose a different health insurance plan to increase your coverage.
  3. Avoid Delaying Renewals -

    A health insurance policy often has to be renewed after one year. Keep in mind that if your coverage has expired, you cannot submit a claim. So, to maintain your financial security by timely renewing your health insurance.


Health insurance remains the most underutilised insurance in India while being among the most essential insurance products. You can't prevent being sick since illnesses are an inevitable part of life. Additionally, purchasing health insurance coverage is essential given the current state of medical inflation and the rise in health issues.

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Is Dental Treatment Covered In Star Health Insurance


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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