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Do I Need The Vaccine If I Had Covid-19?

The vaccines against Covid are finally being administered in India. Currently, everyone above 18 years of age is eligible to get the vaccine. However, a common question that has been emerging is whether people who have already been affected by Covid require the vaccine. With the current shortage in vaccines, people are pondering over this even more. 

Is There a Possibility to Get Infected a Second Time?

Yes, it is possible. According to studies, there has been a small number of cases where the patient has been infected twice by the coronavirus. When you are affected by Covid, your immune system is severely compromised which might increase the possibility of getting infected a second time. It is also important to be careful as you can also be an asymptomatic patient and not realise that you have been infected.

Isn’t my Immune Response Strong Enough After Getting Infected With Covid-19?

It is true that when you get infected by the coronavirus, your body will develop antibodies to fight against it. Depending on the strength of your immune system, your age, presence of comorbidities and various other such factors, your body will fight off the coronavirus accordingly. However, these antibodies are not a surefire way of protecting you against the virus a second time. Doctors have stated that they do not know how long these antibodies will last in order to protect the individual. 

Effectiveness of the COVID-19 Vaccine in People Who Have Already Been Infected

As your body develops antibodies when you are infected with the coronavirus, the vaccine works comparatively better. Studies have found that those who have taken the vaccine after already having Covid, had a more robust immunological response. The immune response induced by the vaccine was at a maximum in their bodies and even the first dose of the vaccine was quite effective in their bodies. 

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It has also been found that those who were asymptomatic or had only a mild infection developed a comparatively lower immune response than those who had faced the severity of the COVID-19. Subsequently, they also had a lower immunological response with the vaccine. In such cases, the second dose is far more important than for people who had severe Covid. 

Do I Need The Vaccine If I Had Covid-19?

In short, yes you do need it. The vaccine is the best defence we have against the coronavirus right now. Infections are on the rise again with the coming of the deadly second wave and it is important, now more than ever, to take all the necessary precautions. Moreover, it has also been found that getting the vaccine might lower your chances of infecting others. The vaccine mostly prevents you from having mild and asymptomatic Covid which is a major transmitter of the virus.


The coronavirus is still a very threatening presence and as one of the only solutions available, the vaccine is an important measure. Since the vaccine is finally available for almost all ages, make sure to take it as soon as possible. The nature of the virus, as well as the nature of the disease, is still largely unclear. Therefore, to be safe rather than sorry, get the virus even if you have had Covid. It keeps you as well as your family, safer.

Also Read: Things to do if Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Will My Second Dose Vaccination Appointment Be Automatically Scheduled By CoWIN System?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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