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Diarrhoea: Know Its Causes, Symptoms And Prevention Tips With Health Insurance Benefits

A health insurance policy covers medical expenditures incurred as a result of an accident, illness, or injury. A person can purchase such insurance for a certain period of time by paying monthly or annual premiums. During this time, if an insured is involved in an accident or is diagnosed with a serious illness, the insurance company will cover the costs of treatment. One may also take advantage of a number of other benefits that come with health insurance coverage.

Diarrhoea: Know Its Causes, Symptoms And Prevention Tips With Health Insurance Benefits

To get the policy, the insurance holder must pay regular payments to the insurance provider, which will repay the insured individual when a medical expenditure is incurred, according to the policy's terms and conditions. In addition, there is a waiting period during which no claims will be entertained for a set length of time. To find out more on health insurance for diarrhoea, read on.

What Is Diarrhoea?

Diarrhoea comes in second as one of the most common health problems. Diarrhoea can range from a little inconvenience to a life-threatening illness. An estimated 2 billion episodes of diarrhoea occur each year throughout the world. Over 1.9 million of these children are under the age of five.

Diarrhoea is characterised by abnormally watery or loose faeces in a patient's body. Some people pass faeces on a regular basis, but they are of a normal consistency. This, however, is not included in the definition of diarrhoea.

Similarly, breastfed babies have a lot of loose stools. Even this, though, is typical. It's also not included in the definition of diarrhoea. To summarise and give you a good notion, diarrhoea is defined as the passage of loose, watery faeces. If you pass loose stools three or more times a day, you have Diarrhoea. Acute diarrhoea is a kind of diarrhoea. This state only lasts a few minutes. The most frequent sort of diarrhoea is this.

Diarrhoea Treatment In India

Mild episodes of severe diarrhoea normally go away on their own. Chronic or continuously severe diarrhoea, on the other hand, must be identified, and the causes as well as the symptoms must be treated.

Rapid and effective rehydration is critical in the event of dehydration. In severe situations of dehydration, the fluids can be replaced by drinking extra liquids or administered intravenously. Please keep in mind that youngsters and the elderly are particularly susceptible to dehydration.

Salts or oral rehydration solution (ORS): ORS stands for salt and glucose-containing water. This solution is absorbed by the small intestine to replenish the water and electrolytes lost in the faeces. ORS expenses are inexpensive in India, making them accessible to everyone. Oral rehydration solution, according to the World Health Organisation, may effectively treat over 90% of non-severe diarrhoea patients worldwide. A package of ORS costs roughly 20 rupees, while hospitalisation for severe diarrhoea might cost over Rs. 50,000/-.

Health Insurance For Diarrhoea

If the patient is extremely dehydrated or in excruciating pain, hospitalisation may be necessary. While this may be addressed with inexpensive ORS, excessive dehydration may necessitate intravenous intake. In extreme cases of diarrhoea, all of this might cost you up to 50,000 rupees.

Following are some of the advantages of having health insurance:

  1. Expense relief as a result of rising medical expenditures, particularly in the private sector.
  2. Assistance with costs such as consultation fees, medical tests, and ambulance bills.
  3. Other pre- and post-hospitalization expenses are reimbursed
  4. The ability to make cashless payments and then receive care at any of the network's hospitals.


Other typical ailments covered by a comprehensive health insurance plan include cardiovascular concerns, gastrointestinal disorders, digestion-related issues, and more. As a result, make sure you get the finest health insurance coverage for you and your family, as diarrhoea can cause dehydration in youngsters and the elderly.

Also read: Health Insurance For TB Patients

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.        

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