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Diabetes Specific Health Insurance Plan-Why Do You Need One?

Among many serious health problems prevailing in India, Diabetes has topped the list in no time with more than 70 million individuals suffering from it. Diabetes is a state where a person’s body either unable to produce insulin or is unable to use which is there in the body. 

Going by a recent WHO report, India surpasses the rest of the world with the maximum number of diabetes cases, thereby making it the diabetes capital of the world. At this time, more than 5% of the population is suffering from Diabetes and by the year 2030, around 98 million people may have this serious disease, as stated in the report.   

Another side of the sad story is that many people think diabetes to be an ailment with genetic predisposition instead. They fail to believe that it has become a leading lifestyle disease over the years. And uncontrolled diabetes leads to several other health issues and serious cardiovascular disease is one of them. Which is the reason why people should not consider diabetes as a self-managed disease, and rather have a sufficient health insurance cover for the disease. 

Why does one need health insurance for Diabetes?  

An adequate health insurance for Diabetes help the patients get required access to medicines and supplies to manage it or prevent oneself from further complication. Not only health wise protection, but a good health insurance policy helps the insured individual financially as well. As stated in the recent report of the Association of Physicians of India, the percentage of expenditure on treatment of Diabetes of the poor urban population is 34% whereas the rural population is 27%.   

Gone are the days when getting a useful health insurance plan for Diabetic patients was a difficult task. But with so many health insurers with an even greater number of insurance products in the market, obtaining a good one has become easier nowadays. Insurers like Star Health Insurance, Religare Health Insurance, and Apollo Munich Health Insurance offer the customers sufficient cover under their Diabetes-specific health insurance plans. 

Another reason to have a diabetes-specific health insurance plan is that majority of health insurance providers consider it to be a pre-existing disease. And like any other pre-existing disease, treatment for the same can be availed only after serving the waiting period for a specific duration. In some plans the waiting period is between 12 months to 2 years, while in others it may even go up to 4 years. 

So, it is always a good idea to buy a diabetes-specific health insurance policy even if you have a standard plan that fulfils your expectations. 

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