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Detailed Comparison Between Top-Up And Super Top-Up Plans

A person buys insurance because it helps safeguard their health and offers protection and safety in the event of a medical emergency. This guarantees that in the event of a medical emergency, they won't face any financial hardship.

A financial loss is guarded against by an insurance policy. Between the insurer and the insured, a contract is created in this way. For an individual, purchasing health insurance is expensive. One must pay premiums to get coverage. It might happen that a person's insurance coverage is insufficient, but getting a second insurance policy can be exceedingly challenging. To know more on top-up & super top-up plans, read on.

Detailed Comparison Between Top-Up And Super Top-Up Plans

What Exactly Is A Top-Up Plan?

For a single claim, top-up health insurance offers an individual additional protection. The threshold limit provided by the basic plan is increased by this plan. It means that a plan like this will protect a person or a family from financial hardship in the case of a medical emergency simply by offering supplemental coverage for a little fee. A person who considers that the coverage provided by their basic plan is insufficient and purchasing additional health insurance is prohibitively expensive will sign up for such a policy.

What Are The Features Under Top-Up Plans?

Following are the features under top-up plan -

  1. Changeable Plan - In the event that the insured decides to do so or in the event of a medical emergency, a top-up insurance plan may simply be changed into a health plan.
  2. No Exceptions - Expenses including rent for the patient's room, doctor's fees, and others are billed when a patient is admitted to the hospital. The supplier of top-up insurance does not impose any restrictions or sub-limits on these hospitalisation costs.
  3. Bonus - The insurance company gives the insured a No-claim bonus, or NCB, when things are going well, such as when they don't need to go to the hospital and have been healthy for at least a year. Another name for it is a cumulative bonus.

What Exactly Is A Super Top-Up Plan?

When an additional premium is paid, the insured receives additional coverage under a super top-up health insurance plan. This type of policy provides coverage for several claims. The claims may be varied and need not have resulted from the exact same illness as in the past. After one or more hospital stays, a person may file a claim. Only after the insured's set deductible amount has been exceeded does the Super top-up plan become applicable.

What Are The Features Under Super Top-Up Plans?

Following are the features under super top-up plan -

  1. Tax Exemptions - An insurance holder benefits from tax exemptions under section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
  2. Pandemic Coverage - An insured person in a COVID-19 circumstance need not be concerned since, in the event of any contingent condition, the plan will provide coverage for the person. In addition to providing coverage when the bill exceeds the basic plan limit, the policy will also give coverage if the insured is admitted to the hospital for fewer than 24 hours.
  3. Coverage - This plan covers medical daycare treatments as well as inpatient hospitalisation, pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation.

What Are Deductibles In Top-Up Or Super Top-Up Plans?

Deductibles are the upper bounds that the health insurance providers have established. It serves as a safety net for the insurance provider and discourages the submission of many, unnecessary medical claims.

The policyholder is responsible for paying this sum. Health insurance companies do not cover deductibles. They only cover the excess above the deductibles. Basically, you are responsible for paying the deductibles, and the insurer will cover the excess up to the sum insured maximum.


Therefore, it is advisable to choose a Super top-up plan to cover the likelihood of chronic conditions necessitating more than one hospital stay every year. Additionally, the premium is less expensive than purchasing a separate health plan with a higher level of coverage.

Also read: Here Are Top Ways By Which You Can Reduce Premium On Your Health Plan

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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