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Detailed Comparison Between Family Health Plan & Individual Health Plan

The primary distinction between family and individual health plan is that a family floater health insurance provides coverage for every member of the family under a single plan. In contrast to individual health insurance plans, which are solely dedicated to one person, family health insurance plans split the cost of the premium and the total amount insured among all family members. To know differences between family & individual health plans, read on.

Detailed Comparison Between Family Health Plan & Individual Health Plan

What Exactly Is An Individual Health Plan?

An individual health insurance policy, as the name implies, provides coverage for just one person. That is, it does not provide coverage for you and your family under one plan but instead provides you with individual plans that individually provide coverage for all health benefits. This kind of plan is ideal if you simply need coverage for your own personal medical requirements or if you want to safeguard your elderly parents. If you check your yearly tax advantages, you'll see that having individual health insurance (for you, your family, or even your elderly parents) is included. This helps to preserve not only your financial plans but also your most valuable asset, your health.

What Exactly Is A Family Health Plan?

A family health plan is a form of health plan that offers coverage and protection to all family members under a unilateral agreement. All family members will split the annual health insurance premium and the total amount insured. Due to the high cost of today's health care, families are frequently under stress. A family floater health insurance plan may be a wise decision under these circumstances, both from a financial and health standpoint. The important thing to remember in this situation is that if one individual consumes the full amount covered, the others will have nothing left over. Family floater plans are advantageous and well suited for couples and nuclear families due to their flexibility in how a group might use the insurance coverage.

What Are The Differences Between Individual & Family Health Plans?

Following are the differences between individual & family health plans -

Individual Health Plan -

  1. One person can only be covered under each individual health insurance plan, which is a form of health insurance. This indicates that the health insurance premium and the total amount insured are exclusive to one individual and cannot be split.
  2. The main advantage of an individual health insurance plan is that the coverage is far more comprehensive than a family floater since each insured person has their own amount insured, as opposed to a family floater where the sum insured is shared by all covered persons under the plan. This benefits elderly parents in particular.
  3. If you choose an individual health insurance plan, be sure to select the appropriate add-ons for each member as well.

Family Health Plan -

  1. A sort of health insurance plan called a family floater allows you and your family members to share one policy. This indicates that the cost of your health insurance and the amount insured would be split among all plan participants.
  2. The main advantage of a family floater plan is that the health insurance premium is affordable because it is paid once for the entire family.
  3. If you choose a family floater plan, choose a bigger amount insured since you must ensure that the total sum insured is enough to cover every member of the family.


In essence, family floater insurance protects everyone in the family under a single policy, whereas individual insurance just covers the person. Health insurance policies for individuals and groups differ in their benefits and objectives. To ensure enough financial support in times of need, the wisest course of action would be to concentrate on maximising the benefits of both plans by protecting every family member.

Also read: How to Pay Edelweiss Health Insurance Premium Online?

All About the Maternity Rider in Health Insurance Plans


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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