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Crop Insurance: Gujarat Government Asks Insurers to Assess Loss Due to Floods

As heavy rains and floods have increased the trouble caused to farmers and their Kharif crop in Gujarat, the state government has instructed the crop insurers to identify the losses as well as clear their claims. 

As shared by the state Agricultural Minister RC Faldu, the State Agriculture Department has ordered to assess the crop loss in regions with excess rainfall in Gujarat including Kutch and Saurashtra. 

Faldu states, “We have also asked the four crop insurance companies that are operational in the State to clear the claims of the farmers who have paid their premiums and sustained heavy losses in their Kharif crops. These companies have been asked to conduct a survey and make the payments according to the extent of damages.”

There are 4 crop insurers having a hold in Gujarat, viz., Universal Sompo General Insurance Company, Reliance General Insurance Company, Bharti AXA General Insurance, and Agriculture Insurance Company of India.  

The farmer leaders continued that PMFBY (Prime Minister Fasal Bima Yojana) provides for crop failure because of excessive rains. An official from agriculture says that they have requested the leaders of farmers to take initiative and apply for all those farmers who, because of flooding or waterlogging, have got their crops damaged. “To claim their insurance under PMFBY, farmers can set up a gram Samiti (village committee) under a village leader, which will assess the extent of damages. This will help them in getting the insurance claim faster,” conveys the official. 

Comparing to the normal average, Gujarat has seen excess rainfall of 140.16%. Districts in Saurashtra, South Gujarat, and Kutch witnessed 147%, 143%, and 173% respectively compared to the normal average. Even in the Northern and Central region, the rainfall is excess at 117% and 127% respectively.  

119 reservoirs out of total 204 in Gujarat are completely filled. The level of water of the Sardar Sarovar Dam is at 98.67% of the maximum amount that it can contain. 

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