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CoWIN App to Use Aadhaar Authentication in Covid Vaccine Drive

Covid-19 vaccination drive is to begin in Indian from January 16. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Twitter that doctors, healthcare workers, frontline workers as well as safai karamcharis will be prioritized.

Reports suggest that the coronavirus vaccination drive will have aadhaar-based authentication through the CoWIN app to avoid proxies. The Co-WIN application will serve as a base for the Covid-19 drive, which will be citizen-centric so that the vaccine is easily available, regardless of the time and location. 

The Health Ministry recently held a video conference with officials from all the states and Union Territories. In the meeting, the feedback related to Co-WIN software as well as its usage gathered from the vaccination dry-runs was discussed. Further point of discussion was ensuring ‘no proxy’ at all and the beneficiaries of the vaccination drive should be uniquely and undeniably identified. 

Highlighting the use of the Aadhaar platform, Ram Sewak Sharma, the Chairman of Empowered Group on Technology and Data Management advised states to ask the beneficiaries to link their mobile number with Aadhaar for registration purposes and further communication through SMS. Further, Sharma emphasized, “Clearly identification of a person getting vaccinated is very important. It is very crucial to keep a digital record on who gets vaccinated by whom, when and which one.”

Principal secretaries of states, state immunisation officers, senior officers of the Union Health Ministry, and National Health Mission Directors were the attendees of the meeting.

You May Also Like To Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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