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Covishield Produced More Antibodies than Covaxin, Both Effective, Says Study

While both Covaxin and Covishield vaccines are effective, the AstraZeneca vaccine Covishield shows a significantly higher seropositivity rate to anti-spike antibodies titre, a new study by Indian doctors has found. 

Published in Medrxiv on June 2, the study is a pre-print and has not been peer-reviewed yet, so should not be used to guide clinical practice. As per the study, after observing the immune responses of 515 healthcare workers, it was found that 95% of them showed seropositivity after both the doses of both COVID-19 vaccines. Seropositivity in the production of antibodies in a person and titre is the number of antibodies created. 

As a part of the study, the post-vaccine responses of participants with and without COVID-19 history were compared. Those who had recovered at least 6 weeks before the first dose, and got both the doses, were 100% seropositive. Also, they had higher antibody titres.   

The lead author of the study and consultant endocrinologist, Awadesh Kumar Singh suggested that both the vaccines work well and show good and similar immune responses even after one dose in people who were earlier infected with COVID-19. However, Covishield may be more able to produce anti-spike antibodies as well as a higher seropositivity rate. The study adds to the evidence but as there are not enough specific neutralising antibodies and other cell-mediated immunity responses, therefore, only randomized head-to-head trials will be the best way to find any conclusion, he said. 

Also Read: How COVID-19 Compares Against Other Killer Diseases in India

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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