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Covid-19 Vaccines Free for All, Says Delhi CM

The Covid-19 vaccination drive is all set to start in India on January 16. Three days prior to it, Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal made the announcement that coronavirus vaccines will be provided to every resident, and that too free of cost. He informed that even if the central government failed to do so, Delhi people will get free Covid-19 vaccines, irrespective of who they are. 

This statement of CM clears the earlier confusion of Covid vaccination being free only for the frontline workers in Delhi.

The Chief Minister stated that he believes that it will not be easy for every person to buy the coronavirus vaccine. Further, he clarified that keeping this in mind, he had made an appeal asking the Center to make Covid-19 vaccines free to all people of the country. He confirmed that free vaccines will be given to all Delhi residents, even if the Centre does not provide it.

He further urged people to stay alert regarding ‘misinformation’ related to novel coronavirus vaccines. Arvind Kejriwal appealed to every person to not spread any kind of wrong information in concern to the vaccine. He emphasized that all protocols and safety measures have been followed by the Central government as well as the scientists before bringing out this vaccine, so having any doubts regarding it is not good.

It is to be noted that around 2,64,000 doses of Covishield vaccine by Serum Institute and 20,000 doses of Covaxin by Bharat Biotech have reached Delhi for the coronavirus vaccination drive. 

You May Also Like To Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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