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COVID-19 Vaccines And Omicron Variant: All You Need To Know

The coronavirus is on everyone’s watchlist for almost two years now, owing to the severe devastation that it has been causing through the pandemic. The virus has kept developing since the beginning and has since then, and brought with it, new waves of infection. Investigations are still ongoing regarding this new variant, especially how the existing vaccines will be able to tackle it. Here are all the details for now.

COVID-19 Vaccines And Omicron Variant: All You Need To Know

The Omicron Variant: Facts till Now

The Omicron variant is a coronavirus strain. First detected in South Africa, it has now been detected in more than thirty nations across the world. Several COVID patients are now seen to be infected with this new variant when they are being tested. Although investigations are still ongoing, it has been found that the strain might have originally emerged in Europe before it was detected in South Africa. Cases in South Africa have been rising rapidly since then, although scientists are unsure whether only the Omicron variant is to blame. Cases have also been found across Europe. 

Must Read:  Status of Omicron Variant in India

WHO has recently declared that the Omicron might not be deadlier than the Delta variant which is also a variant of concern right now.  The Omicron variant has not caused any huge number of deaths. However, it has only been observed for a very few days, due to which scientists have not given very concrete conclusions. WHO has also stated that travel and border restrictions must not be the only measures that are undertaken and relied on. COVID regulations that have been prioritized since the beginning of the pandemic must still be followed. 

COVID-19 Vaccines and the Omicron Variant

There have been a number of vaccines that have been approved across the world. Most nations have started or even completed vaccinating a majority of their population, if not the entire population. Vaccines are the best option that we have for now. Although it is a new variant and under investigation, WHO has stated that it is seemingly not more deadly than the Delta virus. Moreover, right now it is also believed that existing and approved vaccines should work fine with it. Currently, the Omicron variant does not look as if it is more deadly or dangerous than the existing variants. Not only is this hopeful for the prevention of another wave, but also means that the vaccinated population is perhaps somewhat safe from more severe illnesses. The rapidity of infection perhaps indicates that the variant has some capacity to evade the immune system that has already developed in most people. However, that does not indicate yet that the vaccines are completely useless as they have been seen to reduce the severity and deadliness of the infection. Therefore, vaccination remains of the utmost importance. Nevertheless, it is always wise to take all information carefully and stay alert as the entire process is still in a very preliminary stage. 


Prevention is always better than cure and for now, that is the best bet that we have got against the pandemic in general and new variants as well. The vaccine as well as preventative regulations including but not limited to, social distancing, wearing masks and more should be undertaken diligently to prevent or at least reduce the speed with which the Omicron variant is spreading. All necessary steps will be best implemented if everyone is alert and cooperative, but not panicked. 

Also Read: How Much Do Scientists Know About Omicron Variant Until Now?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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