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Covid-19 Vaccine Sputnik V Likely to Be Available in India in April 2021

According to the Indian multinational pharmaceutical firm Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Sputnik V, the Covid-19 vaccine made in Russia is likely to get approval from the Indian regulator in a few weeks from now. Addressing a webinar, Deepak Sapra, CEO, APIs and Services, the company expects approval in the next few weeks for the two-dose Covid-19 vaccine. He further informed that the first dose of the vaccine will be given on day zero and the second one on day 21 as the peak immunity would develop in between day 28 to day 42. The webinar on ‘India's vaccination journey and the second wave of Covid-19' was conducted by AIPC, Telangana.

It must be noted that Dr. Reddy's,  in partnership with Russia Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) will bring Sputnik V, the coronavirus vaccine to India along with other nations.

Moreover, Sapra informed that in the trials of the vaccine performed in Russia, India, the UAE and others, Sputnik V, the Covid-19 vaccine showcased 91.6% efficacy according to the Lancet journal. He further stated that at present, the data is with the Indian regulator and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories expects it to get approved in the coming weeks.

According to Alexander Gintsburg, the Head of the Gamaleya Research Institute, Sputnik V vaccine has proven to be equally effective for people of all age groups, despite doubts that the efficacy would be less in people aged 60 and above. The virologist also noted that Sputnik V beats other novel coronavirus vaccines in terms of quality. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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