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COVID-19 Vaccine: Do's And Don'ts Of The Vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine is available in India and is currently one of the only ways in which one can protect themselves against the coronavirus. Although it might not be 100% effective, the vaccines have been known to reduce the severity of the infection as well as reduce the chances of death. 

It also reduces the transmissibility of the virus, keeping those around you safer. Anyone who is above the age of 18 can now book a slot for the vaccine by registering on the official government portals. However, misinformation and rumors have also been rampant. This is why it is important to know the right information. 

COVID-19 Vaccine: Do's and Don'ts of The Vaccine

Here are some important dos and don’ts that you should keep in mind about the COVID-19 vaccine.


1. Note Your Comorbidities 

Before going to get the COVID-19 vaccination, you must make a note if you have any comorbidities like diabetes, heart ailments etc. If you previously faced any allergic reaction to any vaccine, it is important to consider them. You may consult your doctor in that case, whether or not you should take the vaccine. It is also necessary to inform the personnel at the vaccination centre so that they can administer accordingly.

2. Eat Well 

Although some vaccines are required to be taken on an empty stomach, there is no such specification for the COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, it is advisable that you have food before you going to get your dose and not on an empty stomach. The COVID-19 vaccine is intended to trigger a strong immunological response and one of the most common side effects is nausea. This might be more severe if you are on an empty stomach.

3. Continue Wearing Masks

The vaccination process is complete only after two doses of the vaccine. It takes after fifteen days after each dose for an immunological response to develop. In the meantime, and even after, it is important to keep wearing a mask. It provides added protection as well as keeps you from transmitting the virus in case you are infected. The vaccine reduces the severity of the infection but still stands a chance to get infected.


1. Do Not Panic

You must not panic whether it is before you get vaccinated or after. It is necessary to stay calm and collected before you get vaccinated. Afterwards, you must monitor if you have any side effects. They are common but if you feel severe discomfort, you must contact the helplines provided or your doctor.

2. Do Not Skip the Second Dose

The vaccination process is only complete after the second dose. Although there is an immunological response after the first dose, it is more robust and long-lasting after the second dose of the vaccine. The first dose can still leave you in a comparatively vulnerable state. This is why it is important to get your second jab on the scheduled date.

3. Do Not Take the Vaccine if you Recently Had COVID-19

It is advisable that you must not take the COVID-19 vaccine for at least 90 days after being infected. If you have received blood plasma treatment for COVID-19, you must not take the vaccine immediately. These are precautionary steps in order to avoid any severe side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine.


Everyone must get vaccinated as soon as possible for the pandemic to be controlled. Although they might not be completely effective, they provide considerable protection against the coronavirus. Make sure to keep the above pointers in mind, for a smooth vaccination process. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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