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COVID-19 Vaccine: Covaxin Approval For Children Expected By October, Says AIIMS Chief

As India fears the third wave of COVID-19, AIIMS Chief Randeep Guleria says that he expects approvals for the COVID-19 vaccine for children will be done by October this year. 

The Chief said that Bharat Biotech is expected to submit data of clinical trials on children by September-October. Bharat Biotech and other companies are carrying out trials at a very quick pace and parents have taken a step forward to bring their children for the same, he added. 

Hoping that India will have its own vaccine for children, the chief also said that it has been found that children usually have mild symptoms of COVID-19 but emphasized them getting vaccinated too. Dr. Guleria believes that the only way to control the pandemic is to get everyone vaccinated. 

The Chief further added that Covaxin “covers wide spectrum” as the trials by Bharat Biotech are being conducted between 2-18 years of age. The vaccine is indigenously developed by Bharat Biotech jointly with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and is used on adults in the ongoing vaccination drive in the country. 

Also, Dr. Guleria strongly suggested that schools should reopen now as it is affecting the young generation when it comes to knowledge and especially the marginalized ones who do not have the required means to go for online classes. 

Until now, many countries have approved vaccines for children. For instance, France, the US, UK, and New Zealand have approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children aged more than 12 years. However, India has yet to approve one for children. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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