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Covid-19 Vaccination Training To Start In Delhi

The national capital, Delhi is all set to start training for Covid-19 vaccination. The training programme will be conducted for about 3,500 healthcare workers, who will administer vaccine shots to citizens as soon as it is available. 

Three doctors have been chosen by the Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC). These doctors will work as 'vaccinating officers', thereby providing training to more vaccinating officers. Head of Community Medicine at MAMC, Dr. Pragya Sharma, said that the officers will receive training and later provide vaccination training to the ones at the district level in Delhi. It is to be noted that logistical preparations for the inoculation drive have already commenced in the country.

Public Health Expert & Advisor to the ICMR, Dr. Suneela Garg, has been appointed in the state COVID-19 task force for the Delhi vaccination programme. As per Dr. Suneela, education of people and creation of a standard module is in the progress. Training would be done for at least 1.5 lakh at the central level and 3,500 vaccinators for the Delhi state and district level. In Delhi, there are 609 cold chain points for vaccination purposes and training to a significant amount of manpower is to be provided.

1,800 out of the 3,500 vaccinating officers would be direct workers in teams of four. For supervision purposes at the cold chain points, around 600 would be present. 600 would be medical staff from the private sector. For cold chain points within the Cantonment zones 200 medical staff would be present along with 300 medical staff from various dispensaries.

According to the latest guidelines by the Center, the vaccination process will engage state and district programme managers, medical officers, information, education and communication officers, vaccinator officers, data managers, cold chain handlers, supervisors, ASHA workers, and Mahila Arogya Samitis. Additionally, in the first phase, Delhi will vaccinate about 1.8 lakh to 2.25 lakh healthcare workers.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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