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Covid-19 Vaccination: How Covishield Works?

Currently, there are two COVID-19 vaccines available in India - Covishield and Covaxin. Covishield is the Indian version of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine . It is a viral vector vaccine that is being produced by Serum Institute of India in the country. The vaccine is being administered in two doses and is available at private as well as government centres and hospitals.

Covid-19 Vaccination: How Covishield Works?

How Does Covishield Work Against COVID-19?

The Serum Institute Of India’s Covishield is a viral vector vaccine for coronavirus. Being a viral vector vaccine, it essentially uses a weakened version of the very virus that it is battling. The Covishield contains a weakened version of the adenovirus that is found in chimpanzees. It is also the weakened form of the common cold virus that is found in human beings. This weakened virus strain or viral vector also has the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

The science behind using a viral vector is that it will trigger an immunological response which will in turn help prevent the coronavirus from harming the body. It will prepare the immune system to respond similarly in case of such a virus attacking the body and develop an antigen. Until now, the efficacy of this vaccine has been recorded at 70%, considering the complete administration of both doses. It has also shown considerable efficacy against the new mutated Indian strain of the Covishield.

How Many Doses of Covishield Vaccine Are Required?

A person has to take two doses of the Covishield vaccine. They are to be taken at an interval of 4 to 8 weeks apart. If you have any comorbidities, you will have to inform the vaccinating centre when you take the Covishield.

Is it Alright to Not Wear a Mask After Receiving the Covishield Vaccine?

Even after getting vaccinated for COVID-19, everyone is advised to wear masks and take all the necessary precautions that have been recommended, including wearing a mask. This is especially important after the first 15 days of the first dose. It is because one is at a highly vulnerable stage in this period. The virus is still mutating in various ways which is why even vaccinated individuals must be careful and alert.

How Can I Get Covishield Vaccine?

To get the vaccine, citizens have to register either on the CoWIN website or through the Arogya Setu app. These are government portals. Once you register and log in, you will have to provide the relevant information to be shown the options for centres and hospitals where you can go for taking the vaccine. Covishield has recently been made available for all individuals over 18 years of age. Make sure to register to get the vaccine. They are offered for free at government hospitals and at a price at private hospitals.

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Prevention is better than cure and this certainly true in the case of COVID-19. The reach of this virus, its transmission and other intricacies are still not completely transparent. There has been and will be, waves of it that wreak havoc. However, since the Covishield is here, it is advisable to take it.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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