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Covid-19 Vaccination: How Covaxin Works?

The vaccines for the coronavirus are finally available for the 18+ age group also. The Covaxin, manufactured by Bharat Biotech is one of the two vaccines that are currently being given out in India. Currently, getting vaccinated is the most effective way of keeping yourself protected against COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin has shown an efficacy rate of 78%, which is pretty good considering the circumstances and is 8% more than Serum Institute of India’s Covishield, the other vaccine being available in the country.

How Does COVID-19 Vaccine Covaxin Work?

The COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin functions by training the human immune system to defend itself against the coronavirus. It does this by introducing a weakened version of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, using its spike proteins. This is an age-old technique that has earlier been used in vaccines like the one against polio.

The virus strain is killed off in the laboratory and only its proteins are then extracted to be introduced into the vaccine. Once this is injected into the body, the inactivated virus triggers an immunological response that helps produce antigens. In this way, the body is prepared from an infection due to living coronavirus. The Covaxin also contains vaccine adjuvants or immune-potentiators which increase the immunogenicity of the vaccine. The efficacy rate of this vaccine has been proven against mild, moderate and even severe cases of COVID-19.

According to the official website of Bharat Biotech, the manufacturers of Covaxin, the vaccine uses the Whole-Virion Inactivated Vero Cell-derived platform technology. Since inactivated viruses do not replicate, they are safe to be introduced into the human body. However, since they are still capable of triggering an immune response, they hone the body in case of an actual attack from the live coronavirus.

Where and When to Get COVID-19 Vaccine Covaxin?

Anyone above the age of 18 years can now get the COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin. However, due to the current vaccine shortage, it might take a little time before they can get it. If one wants to register for the vaccine, you must either visit the Cowin website or do it via the Arogya Setu app. On registration, you will be shown options for the nearby centres that are available for vaccination. You can either take it from a government organisation, for free, or from a private organisation where you will most likely have to pay.

The two doses of the Covaxin have to be administered with a gap of 28 days in between. Once you take the first dose, you will be automatically notified of the next date when you will have to take the vaccine. If you suffer from any comorbidities like diabetes, heart diseases or anything similar, you must inform the vaccination centre before you take the Covaxin.

How Effective is COVID-19 Vaccine Covaxin?

As previously mentioned, Covaxin has an efficacy rate of 78%. Evidently, this does not make one completely safe from the virus. This is why it is important to take all the necessary precautions even after being vaccinated. It is especially important after the first fifteen days of taking the virus as it is a sensitive and vulnerable period.
Nevertheless, it is advisable to take Covaxin as soon as possible. The protection it provides is still a better safeguard than nothing at all.

Must Check: Covid-19 Vaccination: How Covishield Works?

Covid-19 Vaccination: Difference Between Covaxin And Covishield Vaccines


Make sure to register at Cowin or the Arogya Setu app as soon as possible. As the vaccine is here, it is important to take it and safeguard oneself against the virus. The vaccine has also proven to be effective against the newest mutation or the Indian strain of the coronavirus.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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