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COVID-19 Vaccination: Government Launches New Guidelines for Co-WIN App

According to the latest reports, the Indian government has introduced a new set of guidelines for the Co-WIN platform. Soon, users will be able to book COVID-19 vaccination slots as well as register themselves for the COVID-19 vaccine through third-party applications. The government, in its new guidelines for CoWIN, has allowed COVID-19 vaccine registration, scheduling, and management to third parties through their applications. It must be noted that this is an update to the existing framework. The developers will be able to only provide information regarding the availability of COVID-19 vaccination slots and allow the download of vaccination certificates via their applications. 

The update arrives as India is dealing with a shortage of COVID-19 vaccines, thereby making it difficult for people to find vaccination slots on Co-WIN. It is expected that the new APIs will allow multiple functions from the app developers’ end. It must be noted that the developer-side changes will occur in the master database maintained for Co-WIN. 

As of now, users were allowed to register and book COVID-19 vaccine appointments through two applications, Aarogya Setu and Umang only. Quite recently, the government had revised Co-WIN’s public API to delay the delivery of appointment data to third-party apps. This made COVID-19 vaccine availability information visible on HealthifyMe and Paytm.

It must be noted that the government has also set up a designated email address for developers to register for the private APIs of CoWIN. According to the guidelines, the registration could be mandatory for developers using CoWIN’s public APIs.

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Aarogya Setu App: How It Fights COVID-19 and How To Download It

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COVID-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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